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2 days before the wedding

"Guys did you find any clothes?" Jennie unnie asked "Yeah I kinda packed one so I think I don't need to buy" Chae answered 

"I have one packed to but its not a dress" I said truth though I brought one "Really Li can I see?" Jisoo unnie

"Yeah sure" I got my clothes from the closet "Wow Li you're gonna be rocking it" Chae said

"What if we party tonight guys? Then let's go to the mall and buy clothes for me and unnie" Jennie unnie suggested "Let's get drunk tonight bitches!" Jisoo unnie exclaimed

"Let's get drunk!" We all stood up and started to run at the car but someone stopped us "Wow! Wow! Wow! What do we have here pretty asian ladies at Netherlands!"

"Screams trouble" Chae whisper-shouted "What can we do for you? Ummmm... mister?" Jennie unnie stepped out "Come on speed dial someone from the boys" Jennie unnie looked back at us

I fished my phone out from my pockets and pressed any number because all of it is either our manager or Bangtan after I heard someone pick up I spoke up "Ummm, I think you're kinda lost misters?"

"Mister Flynn, pretty lady" he winked at me "Doll what's happening?" Shoot! I called Kook

"I think you gotta get in here fast" I said it was meant for Jungkook though "What do you mean Lis?" Chae asked "Guys let's get in the car we need to buy clothes right?" I said

"Were on our way, make sure no one leaves and no one touches you I swear to god doll" Jungkook said and I can here car engines and running "No one is leaving doll till I say so" the Flynn guy said

"Well you aren't the boss of us Flynn" Jennie unnie said and glared at them "Feisty I will take her Flynn" another guy said "I will take you doll" Flynn said

All of them started to drag us to there cars but I mean I did a little boxing so I think it'll help, I grabbed the arm of the guys and twisted it. But Flynn came to me and was about to punch me but someone spoke up "No one touches my girl" Jungkook spoke in english

Flynn turned around all of them were there looking all furious Flynn pulled me and held my nape "Really pretty boy? What if I knock some senses out of your girl?" Flynn said

"You called me pretty, why knock some senses in her when you also fine me pretty" now he is being cocky though his english is good "Just go away please I am talking to you here respectfully sir" Joon oppa stepped out

"You don't want the whole world to be going against you if you bruise the girls and us up right?" He added "As if you guys are famous" Flynn scoffed

"DNA? Blood Sweat and Tears? As if its your last? Whistle? Ring a bell?" Joon oppa asked "OMG BTS and BLACKPINK!?" Flynn asked

"Hi I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook nice meeting oh if I may add you can leave now!" Jungkook looked so angry

Flynn and his friends left, we didn't bother on reporting because we know Bighit and YG can handle it

"Where are you going guys we can get you there" Yoongi oppa asked

"No thanks were having a girls night, so yeah thanks for the save though" Jennie unnie answered "Just don't get wasted and Lali can you drop by later before you guys get drunk" Hobi oppa asked

"Yeah sure" I answered we all get in the car and waved at them good bye

"Guys I need to go at the boys house first" I waved bye to my unnie's we just came home from the mall and we bought alot of liquors like I mean 5 bags of it it wouldn't hurt right I'm at legal age now so who cares

I walked to the next house, and rang the doorbell I can hear footsteps getting heavier to the door and it opened Jungkook was the one who opened it.

"Oh, hey ummm thanks for earlier didn't got the chance to thank you earlier and sorry I didn't know I'd speed dial you" I said while looking anywhere but not at him

"No its fine besides were friends right? Why are you here you guys need anything?" He asked

"Ahh Hobi oppa said we needed to talk you know cousin thingy" I chuckled to make things lighter "Oh yeah! Totally forgot about that head inside he is at his room 2nd floor 4th room from the right" he stated

"Thanks!" I took off my shoes and walked I also met some of them and I just waved at them I saw the door and knocked on it

"Oppa, its me Lali!" I said and the door opened

"Oh great now you're here come in" he pulled me in his room "Sooooo?" I asked

"So, I was wondering you have been acting a bit weird your always on the phone with YG I caught you calling with Bang PD-nim what's the deal? Are you marrying Kook or what?"

"About that its kinda a surprise though, YG did not really tell me to avoid JK but I wanted to surprise him on his birthday so yeah" I said

"Ok, ok now I get it so now go I'll just tell the others so we can help but of course not Kook" oppa said while pushing me to the door

"Thanks and bye!" I ran downstairs and rushed towards the door I opened our door and the three of them were on done for the first bottle

"Li, let's go!" Chae said handing me a bottle

"Thanks, I'll try calling Hobi oppa I forgot to tell him something" I said and dialed his number and putted the phone on the table near me

"So what's your plans on your honeymoon unnie?" Jen unnie aksed "Of course we will have sex" Jisoo unnie answered

"Who hasn't been laid here?" Jisoo unnie asked I raised my hand "Seriously Li! I thought you'd be the first" Chae said

"You guys are hurting me!" I said "So who's yours Chae?" Jen unnie asked "Jimin oppa" she mumbled

"Jimim as in Jimin of Bangtan holy shit!" Jisoo unnie said and we all laughed "What?! Its not like its not normal" she shrugged her shoulders "How bout you Jen unnie?" I asked

"You remember when I always go out?" We nodded "Well I am kinda dating someone" she said hesitantly

"Its Kai" she said killing the thrill

"From EXO!?" We all three said "This is real shit!" Jisoo unnie said

"Li, we will help you with Jungkook and besides he'll get hard once he see's your clothes on the wedding" Chae said

"Why is the topic getting me laid!?" I asked

"To Lisa!" Jisoo unnie said and we clicked our glasses

"To Lisa get laid by Jungkook!" Jen unnie said and we clicked our glasses again

"To Jungkook getting hard!" Chae said and we clicked our glasses

"And for the success of the wedding!" I said and we all laughed

I checked my phone if oppa answered but what shocked me was when he spoke "Do you guys usually talk about your sex life?" It was Yoongi oppa

"Who's that Li?" Chae asked "Yoongi oppa I guess they heard everything" I shrugged my shoulders

"I'll hung up guys I forgot what I was about to tell bye!" I said and pressed the end call

Once it ended we all laughed and started to get wasted

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