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"We can't be together yet doll I promise I will only love you I will send you home" 


I knew it! I was right, I felt that something bad was about to happen. But I can't blame anyone though, first we are debuting and Jisoo unnie can't just drop the bomb like that, second its a family matter so we can't medle with it.

The past few days Jennie unnie prohibited Bangtan from coming, because of the problem and we have to practice for our new comeback so if we practice its either Jisoo unnie and I are together then Chae and Jen unnie or Jisoo unnie and Chae and me and Jen unnie.

We had partners practice, let me tell you this having 4 new songs is damn hard but at least were having alot of songs I can't wait for our full album but its not yet coming.

As for Jungkook we kept our promise that we would still message each other, we haven't seen each other for a fucking month now!

But now, we are ok Jennie unnie came back to her old self but her gummy smile can't be seen when she laughs or smiles. At least were back to normal we never had a big argument like this though.

Right now were having a movie night just us four like how it used to be, my train of thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang "Who's phone is that?" Char asked "Mine" I answered

"I'll answer this its manager unnie" I left them there and answered the phone "Neh manager unnie?"

"Lisa-yah YG needs you at the seventh floor"

Shit! Its the seventh floor its either a good news or bad one but knowing our situation its a bad one

"Seventh unnie?" My voice cracked I remembered what Seungri opla said to us

"Lisa-yah don't tell anyone ok?"


As soon as the call ended I went back to the sofa and said it to them "Unnie's I have to go to the building they said I will do a new dance" I smiled at them showing my excitement

"Uwaaa you're lucky Lisa go now before they wait for too long" Chae pushed me using her legs

I changed my clothes into thick ones just like Seungri oppa said I went out and the van was ready to pick me up

The drive to the building was silent I didn't bother to talk to our driver because I was nervous all I am thinking now is what if sajangnim knowd about our relationship. What if he wants us to break up again?

What if-

"Pranpriya where here" yes our driver calls me on my Thai name I made him call me that he was my most trusted driver/bodyguard

I went out and walked to the hallway I saw our manager and she signalled me to go she looked at me with pity and I don't know how to feel anymore. The elevator stopped at 3rd floor Seungri oppa entered "Lisa what brings you here?"

"Let's just say I am going to hell" he giggled abit and patted my head "Good luck then I never knew this day would come seeing you go to the seventh"

"Manager unnie didn't even tell me why I am going its frustrating!" I crossed my arms

"I will send you off there" he said and the floor stopped at the seventh

"After you" oppa said and I went out I kept on mumbling soothing words to calm me down

"Were here good luck just remember to tell the whole truth fighting!" He balled his fists and walked away

I knocked first and I heard sajangnim say "Come in" when I went in I knew that I am so dead

He is here

Jungkook is here

"Lisa please sit down" I sat down at the couch in front of him and we both looked scared

"Ok so I know that you know why you guys are here, I already told you Lisa to break uo but what happened dates in the late night?" He putted a picture in front of us

"You guys need to break up having one member date and being married is enough you need to stop this shit" sajangnim never swore in front of ys four and its my first time

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"You guys need to break up having one member date and being married is enough you need to stop this shit" sajangnim never swore in front of ys four and its my first time

"But si-" Jungkook spoke but sajangnim stopped him "No buts Jungkook"

"Papa YG" I gave him my puppy eyes "Lis if he said so then we need to follow" I looked at Jungkook like I was betrayed how can he do this!?

"You can go now I don't need your stubbornness Lisa" he said with a stern voice I walked out abd Jungkook did the same  "Before you leave I will make you choose Jungkook your Jin hyung's happiness or yours?"

"My hyung's sir my hyung's" he answered

I tried not to talk with him but he kept up with my face "Doll" he caught my wrist and I bumped on his hard chest I just cried my heart out there

"Why did you agree Kook I thought were in this together" I throwed my fists on his chest but he stopped me "We can't be together yet doll I promise I will only love you I will send you home"

I let him drag me to the parking lot I sat inside there van I didn't even notice the presence of there manager not until he spoke that we arrived

Jungkook walked me to my door and I opened it once I went in all eyes were on me "What happened Lisa why are you crying?" Jisoo unnie asked

How can she ask that now? How can the world be this selfish? Why does it have to be me that has to sacrifice?

"I hate you unnie! I hate that you can date and marry the man you want! I hate everything!" I stormed off and shut my door closed

I just cried, I know what I did was wrong but girl I am hurt. I heard that Jungkook was explaining but I can't help it anymore why does he have to explain when I was telling the whole truth I opened my door and spoke

"Just go! I don't want to see your face! And you Jisoo unnie just go to Jin oppa! Don't come to my door I don't want anyone!"

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