Sylvain x reader x Felix (2/2)

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This is pretty much the same as the other but the boys swap roles if ya catch my drift.

Felix always cared more for training than people. He didn't want friends and he didn't need any. The two he already had were enough to annoy him constantly (he wouldn't consider Dimitri his friend ever again). Making friends was a waste of time and he'd never, in his entire life, want to try.

Although, he didn't mind finding people to train with. One of the other students in his class seemed to be a promising partner from day one. Not immediately, though.

Sylvain forced him to go with him to introduce themselves to her the first moment that skirt-chasing redhead saw her. Felix sincerely didn't care to, but Sylvain wouldn't let him leave.

He paid no attention to their conversation after she started stuttering a reply. She seemed about as pathetic as that Bernadetta girl.

Once all the students were allowed to spend the rest of their day how they pleased, he had to argue with Sylvain for far too long before he finally got to go to the training grounds. He already knew he'd be spending most of his free time there.

He wasn't expecting to find someone there already. That girl from his class, to be specific.

She was examining a training sword she must have gotten to practice with. Curious about her skill, he stood by to watch for a while.

When she did begin her practice, it's needless to say Felix was a little impressed. She knew how to use a sword. But, the real question was could she hold her own against him.

"Hey, you," he called, causing her to freeze up.

She turned around slowly. "Oh...hello."

Felix wondered how she could possibly become a knight if she was going to be that jumpy everytime someone spoke to her. He shook his head a bit, slightly disappointed, but pushed it aside. "Spar with me."

"Okay, sure." She smiled. "I'd love to test my skill against another experienced sword wielder."

Thus, they battled each other with fake, wooden swords. Felix had to admit she was as skilled as he hoped. Right after that tiring fight, they agreed to train together often.

Over the course of many months, Felix eventually accepted her as one of his friends. Sylvain and Ingrid befriended her as well, so basically, in Felix's book, she replaced Dimitri entirely. He was just fine with that.

He would never admit it, but he'd rather spend his time with her than his other friends. She was far easier to get along with. She didn't try to drag him away from his regular training, she never got mad about how he spoke, and studying with her wasn't always a waste of time. He didn't mind helping her understand the lessons a little better, as long as it didn't take too much time.

He spent more of his time thinking of combat, but occasionally, his mind would wander to thoughts of her. Even though it wasn't much, he thought of her more often than anyone else. He's even had dreams of which she stayed the main focus. Were he to dwell on his thoughts long enough, he'd most likely realize just how deep his feelings ran, no matter how much he'd want to deny it.

Occasionally, he'd rather be in her presence than alone. He found meals more enjoyable with her there. Not to mention he often wondered what she would say if he asked her to hang out with him outside of training sessions. He didn't want to admit it, even to himself, but he liked being around her.

Now, while he sat on his bed with an exceptionally boring book about the professor's previous lesson, his mind wandered and he lost focus. He stared down at the words on the pages while he thought of her instead. To be fair, though, she was far more interesting than mathematics in warfare.

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