Ignatz x reader

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Another fun edgy oneshot. You get to have PTSD in this one sorry.

Ignatz never wanted to go to the Officer's Academy, and still didn't want to be there. He didn't want to be a knight; his parents wanted him to. He'd rather be an artist, but he would never get that freedom. At least he could spend his free time painting.

Another thing that made the academy better was his friends. Raphael was a student in the same class as him, and the others were fairly nice, though a bit strange. One girl especially.

He wasn't trying to be mean when he thought of her as strange. There just wasn't any other way to describe it.

(y/n) seemed kind and optimistic when he first met her, but over the months, he started noticing weird things about her. And he wasn't the only one. Claude was fairly interested in her strange antics, and even went as far as trying to get information out of Marianne, her best friend from before the Academy. She never said a thing to him.

Ignatz didn't try to befriend her because of that, though. She was the one who spoke to him first, actually. She found him painting a sunset once, and after that, she kept asking to see his artwork and suggesting places he could use as inspiration. Before he knew it, they were practically best friends.

Ignatz sighed heavily as he drew his bow. His professor had taken the class to defeat a group of bandits that'd been stealing from a village frequently. He hated fighting, but his friend seemed to hate it more.

She always got really anxious before every battle, and only performed worse and worse as it dragged on. The professor normally sent her as an adjutant with one of the others because of it. This time, she was part of Raphael's group.

The professor began telling each of them where to go. Ignatz would check on her after the fight. She'd be alright. Hopefully.


It wasn't long before the enemy was finished. Ignatz wasn't sure where most of his classmates were, but he knew Marianne's and Raphael's groups were alright. He could barely make out the shape of Marianne healing the muscular blond.

He trekked across the field to meet up with them.

"Are you both alright?" he asked the two students.

"Yeah..." Raphael heaved a sigh. "I'll be fine. But...(y/n)'s.... I don't know what happened."

He felt alarm jolt through his system. "Where is she?"

"By that tree...." He lifted his arm to point at the nearest oak. "I told Marianne to help her...but she won't until she's done with my wound."

"(y/n)'s not physically injured as badly as you are," the quiet girl explained. "You need help first."

Ignatz paid them no more attention. He rushed to the tree, finding (y/n) sitting against it with her knees pulled up to her chest. She was digging her fingers into her scalp on both sides of her head, rocking back and forth slightly.

She had her head tilted down so he couldn't see her face, but he could tell she was crying by the sound of her tone.

Seemingly lost in her thoughts, she whispered to herself, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...." She continued repeating those two words to no end.

He crouched down in front of her, noticing a trail of blood running from her forehead down her arm, and dripping off her elbow.

"(y/n)?" he mumbled as he hesitantly reached out to her.

As soon as his fingers brushed her skin, he retracted his hand on instinct as she let out a shriek.

She hugged herself tightly, shaking badly and shaking her head profusely. "No! No more, please! I'll do better! I'll do better next time...."

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