Yuri x child!reader

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I love the Ashen Wolves. Who else thinks they're the best House?
A little bit of spoilers I think.

The war was only two years in. Yuri didn't care to join it. Who won didn't matter to him so long as his people would be alright. His only goal was to save those who came to him for help.

But, since there was a war going on, he had to be extra careful about the people he took in. They could be spies plotting to bring in enemy reinforcements.

He had so much to do for these poor helpless people it sometimes overwhelmed him. Occasionally, he'd have to step outside for a moment or two and relax. There wasn't much time for relaxing, though. Not until the war ended.

If your wondering, yes, Abyss still remained his home. Though the monastery was attacked, they didn't bother the people underground. Their secret town still prospered as it did before, which is, hardly at all.

Food was hard to come by, especially now. The animals didn't come out of hiding too often. Their habitats had been disturbed by all the senseless fighting.

Yuri still had to send patrols out to find food, though it was difficult for them, and they most often returned with nothing.

He needed a break from all this stress. Yuri left his room, making the short trek to the well-hidden part of Abyss that led outside.

He stood by the doorway, gazing up at the cloud cover. There wasn't a spot of clear sky today. It would be raining all day.

He looked out at the treeline some ways away. His eyes locked on something that didn't blend in to the surroundings. An animal, perhaps. Food.

He crossed the field cautiously, trying not to make his presence known to it while keeping an eye out for soldiers or bandits. So far, he was making good progress.

As he drew closer, he realized the thing wasn't moving. Either it was asleep, or already dead. He continued creeping forward quietly just to be safe.

He paused once he was able to see some finer details of the thing in the woods. Not prey. A person.

He moved less quietly, but faster. If this person was alive, maybe there was some hope of saving them.

He got down to his knees next to them. She. A small child, probably eleven or twelve years old. Bleeding from her side. Barely breathing.

She was still alive, at least. He didn't know if her life could be spared from this cold, heartless death, but he could try.

He carefully lifted her up, getting to his feet slowly. As soon as he felt balanced, he ran back to Abyss, still watching out for enemies.

No one attacked him. Good. He didn't have time for a battle.

He went straight for the small infirmary of Abyss, ignoring the questioning gazes of anyone he ran past.

Upon reaching his destination, he lay the child on the only available bed.

He set his focus on the medic immediately. "Help her."

She nodded, coming to check the child's wound.

Yuri stepped out of the way, watching for a moment. He left the medic to do her work, returning to his own job for the time being.

Much later, while he was trying to figure out the best way to get more supplies, his thoughts were interrupted by Hapi.

"Hey, Yuri-bird," the pink-haired girl called to him. "You're needed in the infirmary."

"Got it." He left the table, much preferring to check on the injured than do important work.

Upon arrival, the medic he spoke to earlier smiled. "The young girl is doing well. She would have died if you'd found her only moments later."

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