Edelgard x reader

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This one has spoilers for part 1 and Verdant Wind.

You'd been best friends with the heir to the Adrestian Empire's throne almost since birth. You were born into a noble house with territory near the Imperial Capital. It made sense your families would have a good connection.

You had also gone to the Officer's Academy together. You were happy to meet other Empire nobles your age, but you still preferred hanging out with Edelgard, even if she was normally too busy.

Those were the good days.... You leaned your head against the window you were staring out, watching the wind ruffle the trees.

You recalled the moment five long years ago that was so hard for you. You almost didn't believe you could make a choice.

Back then though, it was much easier for you.


You stood by Claude and Byleth in the sealed chamber underneath the monastery. You had joined the Golden Deer on their monthly mission as Byleth, their professor, had requested.

Nothing bad was supposed to happen, but you were all prepared just in case. It was a good thing you prepared, since the chamber was invaded by soldiers; their leader the notorious Flame Emperor.

Once you, Byleth, and Claude reached him, the professor was able to land a good hit, knocking his mask onto the floor.

As the clatter of the mask hitting stone echoed through the chamber, you froze up in shock.

The Flame Emperor was someone you knew all too well: Edelgard von Hresvelg. The girl you thought was your best friend.

She explained her plan to you all, soon directing her words at you. "(y/n), I cannot apologize enough for keeping this a secret from you." She held her hand out to you. "Come with me. Let us free Fódlan from the chains locked on it by the church, and bring a new dawn in which one's worth isn't determined by Crests."

You remained unable to move. What were you supposed to do? You didn't believe what she was doing was right, but, the Empire was your home. To betray them was to give up everything.

The choice you made was the one you wholeheartedly believed was right after you came to a realisation: some things mattered more to you than others.

"No. I won't."

You didn't believe in what she wanted to do. You were as strong-willed as her about your ideals. Losing your house and your status meant nothing if you could achieve your dreams.

"I think you're wrong," you went on to tell her. "I won't fight for a cause I don't agree with."

Edelgard's expression shifted to one of sorrow as her arm dropped. "It pains me to hear that. But, if your mind is made up, I will not stop you."

Her ever-loyal servant, Hubert, appeared at her side out of nowhere. She turned her gaze to him. "It's time to go."

He gave a nod, and just like that, they both vanished into thin air.


Now you were dreading your next encounter with her. You'd joined Claude's army all those years ago when the three ruling powers delved into war. Your army would soon be storming the Imperial Capital to end this war once and for all. That meant you would have to face Edelgard.

You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you had no choice. You couldn't show vulnerability. If you couldn't face her in combat, were you truly willing to give up everything for your dreams?

A knock on the doorframe of the room you were in interrupted your thoughts.

You looked over your shoulder at the person who wanted your attention: Claude.

"Hey there," he started. "We'll be heading out pretty soon. You still sure you're up for this?"

You gazed down at your lap, hiding your true feelings behind a monotone. "Yeah."

"We'll be counting on you." With that, he left you alone again.

You prepared for the upcoming invasion without anymore thought on the subject. If you were to keep doubting yourself, what would that do to the army? You had to be in top form for any fight; especially this one.

All too soon, the army was marching toward the Empire's Capitol. You stuck to the back of the group. You didn't want anyone to see the sorrowful expression you held. You weren't able to stop dreading the inevitable encounter.

You found yourself face to face with Edelgard far too soon. She held her relic in one hand, and a massive shield in the other. Judging by her expression, she didn't wish to fight you either.

"(y/n)..." she began as you drew your sword. "Seeing you here saddens me far more than I would expect. I wish I could have convinced you to join me in this path to peace." She sighed slowly, lifting her axe. "I have no choice but to strike you down here and now."

"I will not fall here!" You slashed the air with your blade. "El, I don't desire a skirmish with you either, but you've left me no choice. You have chosen the wrong path to peace, and for that, I am forced to end your reign forever."

You made the first move. After that, the battle was all a blur. You used to train together all the time. You knew the patterns she liked to use. You could beat her.

Edelgard's axe blade was pressed firmly to the ground as she leaned on the handle to support her weight. She was exhausted. She couldn't keep fighting.

You were at your limit as well. You panted lightly as you lifted your sword up in the air.

You hesitated. You've ended so many lives before, why were you hesitating now?

You didn't want to kill her. El was your best friend for so many years. For her to no longer be in your life...it hurt to think about.

"Do it," you heard her choke out. She sounded as though this situation were painful for her too. Dying at the hands of her best friend....

You tried to get your blade in position, but still, you couldn't. Your hands shook.

"The longer you wait, the more people will die," she went on. "It saddens me that we could not walk together, but you've made your choice and I've made mine. Please...put an end to this war."

You took a deep breath, clearing your mind as you stepped forward. You could do this. You were simply killing another enemy. You were ending the war.

She looked up at you as you halted, tightening your grip on the sword.

"I wished for so long you would come back and fight with me," she started to say almost in a whisper.

You couldn't let her continue. She could be trying to talk you into stopping. Then she would win.

You brought the sword blade down on her. In one slash, you cut the nerve connected to her brain.

Her eyes glazed over as her grip on the axe loosened. Ever so slowly, her body and weapon fell, thumping against the floor.

You dropped your sword, staring down at her body. You'd done it. You killed her. You won.

You closed your eyes. El...I'm sorry it had to be this way. But, like you'd done for so long, I took my blade and cut my own path. The one I believe in. It's sad you had to stand in my way, but this was what the Goddess intended.

You ventured away to rejoin Claude and Byleth, refusing to look back even once.


Oof angsty. That's all I have to say. Angsty.

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