Dimitri x reader x Ashe (2/2)

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Spoilers for Azure Moon, of course.

Dimitri hadn't ever been quite as happy as he was now. He'd had such a gloomy life after his family died and he was left with no one. He wondered how different things would be if he had died along with them. Did the Goddess really need him to remain alive? Or was this just some sick game she played?

He didn't focus on those questions any longer. Most of his thoughts would gravitate toward one of the students in his class. (y/n).

She was always really nice to him, and she liked training with him even though he broke all the training weapons every time. She spent most of her free time with Ashe, but she'd always find time to hang out with Dimitri.

He closed his notebook as class ended. Since it was a Friday, two students were required to work on a task together. This week, that happened to be Dimitri and (y/n). They'd been tasked with stable duty.

With his supplies gathered, he headed to the tables at the back of the room where she had to sit because she and Ashe kept interrupting class when they joked about all the lessons.

He smiled when she looked up at him as she stood from her seat. "Ready to get to work?"

She nodded with a cheerful smile. "Yup!"

Her smile was so cute. He thought so each time he saw it. He enjoyed seeing her so happy all the time. He enjoyed being in her presence more than anything.

When his time in the academy ended, he knew he wouldn't be able to spend any of his time with her. As soon as he was of age, he'd be crowned King of Faerghus. Then he'd never have time to spend with any of his friends, especially since they'd all have their own important jobs. The only one he'd have even a little time with would be his Queen, when he chose one. He didn't think much of that, though. He knew he'd end up marrying for the sake of the Kingdom, not for love.

Why should he be worrying about that now? He shouldn't. He still had time to hang out with his friends and he wouldn't waste it.

While they got to work with the horses, Dimitri only really half-focused on the work. His eyes kept wandering to (y/n), watching her do her part.

She gently brushed the horse's fur out with one of the brushes, careful not to miss a single spot. She always made sure to do the best work she could. She liked to perfect her work. That was just one more thing to like about her.

He picked up a bucket as his mind wandered. He couldn't help but think about how wonderful she was. How could someone be so kind, skilled, and absolutely adorable at the same time. He couldn't describe how it made him feel.

He knew for certain he had to protect her no matter what. He would always keep an eye on her during battle. He knew she could hold her own, but that wouldn't stop him from worrying anyway.

He wondered what she thought about him. He so desperately wanted to know exactly what he meant to her. He knew the only reasonable way to figure out was just to ask, but that wasn't so easy for him. If he were to ask, though, what might her answer be? There was a chance she could think of him in the same indescribable way he thought of her, after all.

But what would he do then? After he learned how she felt, what would be his reaction? He could suggest their relationship go in a different direction...that would inevitably lead to deeper feelings and desires...and he may even get a chance to...kiss her....

Just imagining the feeling of her presumably soft, delicate lips against his own was enough to cause an unnecessary reaction. He tensed up when the overly vivid image came to mind, accidentally smashing the bucket in his hands.

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