M!Byleth x tsundere!reader

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The past month of your life has been a bit strange, to say the least. Explaining that will make more sense if I add a bit of context to your situation, though.

Almost two months prior to the current date, you'd met a mercenary whom the Archbishop, Rhea, had hired as a teacher at the Academy. Byleth.

You weren't one of the teachers, of course, but you were technically school faculty, so you heard of this soon enough. You had a snappy conversation with Rhea herself about it, seeing as you'd now have to work alongside a former mercenary. You had the job of assisting the professors when need be.

Throughout the first month of his time there, you deemed he wasn't planning to kill anyone, but still refused to act as though you had any trust in him. Not because you feared he would kill you, but because you didn't want him to be right. You'd told him you would never trust him when you were introduced. You didn't want to be wrong now that he at least seemed to know how to protect the students.

You didn't talk to him much during that time, mostly due to the fact that he wasn't a talkative person. Whenever you would converse, the topic usually had to do with the school. He'd also throw in a few teasing comments just to make you angry. Other times, he'd occasionally invite you to lunch on his day off, which was, to say the least, weird. You made it clear you had no intention of getting all chummy with him. Neither of you even talked when you had lunch together. He'd just stare you down and you'd counter with your not at all intimidating glare.

It was the first day of the next month when things got weirder. He asked you to meet him in his room, which wasn't exactly unusual. He'd call you there whenever he wanted help with his work. You expected this to be about work. It wasn't, of course.

After letting you in, he sat down in his chair, gesturing for you to sit on the bed. You did so, meeting his blank gaze with a sharp glare. He didn't speak for a while, just stared.

It pissed you off when he did that. Just quietly stared you down instead of getting to the point. You knew you'd essentially lose if you told him to stop, though. So, you always went with: if he wants a staring contest, then give him one.

You weren't sure how much time passed when he finally said something. You would have taken a second to relish your victory if not for the words that left his lips.

"Be my girlfriend."

That was all he said. After hardly interacting with you, teasing you for the hell of it, and forcing you to waste your time with his stupid staring contests, he had the audacity to ask that of you? No, not even ask. He said it in such a monotonous way he was basically stating a fact. "You're my girlfriend now" was what you were hearing.

You weren't taking that sitting down.

So you stood up, balling your hands into fists, practically fuming with anger. "WHAT?!"

He stood as well. "I said be my girlfriend."

You knew your face was turning red, but you ignored the fact, hoping that would make it unnoticeable. You crossed your arms as you spat back at him, "why would I want to do that?! No, better question: why would you even think to ask me that?"

As usual, he was unaffected by your hateful tone. "You're cute."

"What?" Your glare sharpened whilst you tried to hide your embarrassment, but only making it more obvious. Truthfully, you thought Byleth's silent, simple personality was less obnoxious than everyone else. But still, he was too hard to read. You never knew what he'd say next, and that always pissed you off. "I-I am not!"

"You are."



"Ugh! Cut it out!" You averted your gaze, now glaring at the dresser in front of the window. The volume of your voice dropped from practically yelling to a normal volume for carrying out a conversation. "I don't appreciate being teased."

He moved closer, drawing your gaze back to him. What did he intend to do? You remained on guard in case this was something like a surprise attack.

It wasn't, really. He trapped you against him with his arms, giving no way for escape, no matter how you struggled.

"I'm not teasing; don't throw another hissy fit," he muttered just clearly enough for you to hear. "Be my girlfriend."

You gave up resisting, seeing as it was getting you nowhere. Releasing an annoyed sigh, you leaned the side of your head against his chest, murmuring a reply and hoping he wouldn't hear it. "Fine, whatever...."

He gave a contented hum, freeing you from his grasp with a smile. A small one, but definitely befitting of his features.

Wait, no. You mentally slapped yourself. Don't think like that. He'll read your mind.

After that, he'd gotten back to his work, so you retreated to your room to prepare yourself for this. You had to be ready for anything so he couldn't catch you by surprise.

But, after that encounter, whenever you'd see him, he just treated you like normal. You didn't expect him to like, announce your relationship to everyone or something, but you at least expected him to hang out with you more often. Or at least acknowledge the whole ordeal took place. He acted like nothing ever happened. He was too unpredictable for your liking.

Speaking of unpredictability, he randomly decided to hang out with you today, after weeks of hardly any communication. That was what led to the current situation.

He'd brought you to a quiet spot outside the monastery. No one was around, and the only sounds you heard were from the wind.

You were sitting next to him under one of the trees. Neither of you had said a thing the entire time, but at least he wasn't staring into your soul. The close proximity was flustering enough.

You could feel his gaze on you now. You refused to make eye contact, sight locked on a rock a few feet away.

The wind picked up long enough to send a chill down your spine. On instinct, you shivered, and immediately regretted it. Why?

Byleth resituated the way he was sitting to comfortably pull you closer. With your back against his chest, he trapped you there by keeping both arms locked around your torso.

You blushed like crazy, obviously. What other reaction are you supposed to have?

Following that was an immediate outburst. "Wh-what are you doing?!"

He rested his chin on top of your head. "You looked cold."

You sighed heavily, crossing your arms. "W-well I'm not anymore...."

"Does that mean you want to stay like this?"

Of course you did. The thing was, you didn't want to admit it. He'd use it against you.

So, you spat at him a lie. "No! It means let go already!"

You heard a small chuckle come from him. Either he found this funny, or cute. Both were horrible reasons for him to laugh at you.

Before he released you, he leaned closer to your ear, and whispered, "as you wish, princess."


This isn't anything like the original idea I had but I think it's fine anyway

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