Ghost!Ashe x reader

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Look at that, another Ashe oneshot. Expect plenty of those.

This completely deviates from the storylines and takes a path in which there wasn't a war after the school year.

You couldn't sleep. You were too excited to rest.

Today was your first day at the Officers Academy. You were already hyped up about the whole ordeal, but after meeting all your fellow students, the teachers, and some Knights of Seiros, you were even more excited.

You got out of bed, deciding to try going on a walk in case that would tire you. You knew you weren't supposed to leave your room at night, but you had to wear yourself out somehow.

You stayed as quiet as possible as you snuck away from the dormitories. Your room was on the first floor near the end, so you didn't have to worry too much about waking someone up.

Your walk led you to the cathedral, which was wide open and unguarded at the moment. You thought they'd at least close the massive doors at night, but nope. Not in this fanfiction.

You entered the building, taking note of the creepy, dark feeling to the place. The complete opposite of what it was in the daytime. Yet somehow, it was still beautiful. Perhaps that was merely due to the moonlight illuminating the room slightly. Just enough to see.

You halted when you noticed something up ahead. No, not something. Someone. Someone else had ventured to the cathedral at night.

You moved closer to get a better look at them. You could tell they were wearing the same school uniform your fellow students wore, but you didn't recognize whoever it was. Did anyone in the Officers Academy have gray hair? You were pretty sure none of them did....

You stepped on a small pebble in just the right way to send it hopping across the floor. The sound echoed, breaking the serene silence you'd been in before.


The person at the other end of the cathedral turned around when the sound echoed. You squinted to get a better look at their face. Green eyes, long, messy bangs...this kid wasn't someone you've met before.

Once the person spotted you, their head lowered. Why? You didn't know.

You determined it was a boy when he began walking towards you. You stayed where you were, trying to come up with the best way to ask he not tell anyone you snuck out of your dorm.

Right when you were going to speak up, you couldn't. You weren't able to say a thing when you realized you could almost see right through him.

That's so weird.... You were feeling a little unsettled now as you thought up conclusions. It's probably my eyes playing tricks on me since it's so dark.

You were still not able to talk as you noticed more strange things. It looks like he's...glowing. Maybe I need to go to sleep before I start seeing ghosts or something....

Instead of stopping when he finally reached you, the gray-haired boy walked right past you. You were hit by a sudden chill when he did, but it soon left as you turned around to watch him go.

Um okay. Rude. You crossed your arms. He didn't even say hi.

You decided to head back to your room a bit later. All you could do was hope that guy wouldn't tell anyone you were there.

You got back without waking anyone. That was good. Maybe you'd get away with this.

You closed the door to your room carefully once inside. You got it shut without a sound, turning around only to stop abruptly.

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