Caspar x reader

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I tried to make reader-chan as dramatic as possible so I hope that worked out like I wanted lol.

Ever since you were young, you've been best friends with the biggest idiots you'd ever met: Linhardt and Caspar. While they were practically complete opposites, you were somewhat of a mix between them. It made it easy to be friends with both.

This of course meant when the two of them enrolled in the Officer's Academy, you had to go too.

Although you were merely a commoner, you gained acceptance via recommendations from your best friends' fathers. They may have hated each other, but they definitely both loved you like a daughter. You also had a good enough magical prowess to catch the school's attention.

When you got there, you realized out of your group, you were the only one who really knew what to expect. Caspar thought there would be less classes and more time on the field, while Linhardt, for whatever reason, thought he'd get to do whatever he wanted.

You were also happier with the school. The teachers were great at their job, you had plenty of free time to spend doing what you loved, and the monthly missions were always exciting.

Speaking of teachers actually, Byleth, for some reason, thought you would keep your friends in line like Ingrid did with Felix and Sylvain. She learned very soon that you had no intention of doing so. Linhardt wasn't your kid, so why scold him for being lazy? As for Caspar, you embraced his idiotic ideas and helped put them into action. That earned you the title of Dumbass Duo various times in your life.

As of now, you were relaxing by the fishing pond with Linhardt after a training session with Caspar. You had brought a canvas along, as well as your nicest brushes and paints. You liked to paint when you were taking a break from being an idiot with Caspar.

"Linhardt, stop moving!" you ordered the poor lazy boy who just wanted to fish.

"Why do I always have to be your victim?" he sighed in an upset tone.

"You're like a snail." You tried to get the perfect angle to paint from. "Normally, I can't see you moving. You can sit still long enough to be painted."

"I'm sure anyone would let you do this if you just ask," he pointed out. "Aren't you tired of having so many paintings of me?"

"Of course I am, but I can't just walk up to some other student and ask if they want to be immortalized in my glorious artwork." You paused. "Oh wait, of course I can. I know!" The fires of determination burned in your eyes as you found new motivation. "I'll create a stunning portrait of everyone at this school before the year is over!"

"If that's what makes you stop bugging me, then I encourage it." He cast the line of his fishing rod back into the water.

"Now then-" You began gathering your materials. "-which indescribably beautiful painting of you would you like to keep as compensation for your time?"

"If it's compensation for taking my time, I think you owe me all of them." He looked over his shoulder at you. "But, it hasn't inconvenienced me until recently, so I'll take the one you painted in the field outside my House."

"That one was quite good." You nodded. "I'll give it to you soon. Now, I must find a target before the day is over!"

You first took your supplies back to your room. It would be awkward carrying it around with you to find someone.

You left your room once more, beginning your search for fellow students.

You first found Felix, who was leaving the dining hall, presumably after having lunch.

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