Dorothea x reader

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The idea for this one came to me while I was browsing edgy fanfics so you know it's gonna be as heart-wrenching as I can make it lol.

Just a little itty bitty bit of spoilers for the overall course of part 2 no matter which route you choose.


Dorothea had always captivated you. Ever since you first saw her performing in the Empire, she had a hold of your heart. You couldn't escape the binds chaining you to her. Her voice, so gentle, yet so powerful, cast a spell upon you, left you in a daze. You never desired anything as much as you desired hearing her sing.

You approached her after a performance once, so many years ago when you were but a child. You didn't even know what you wanted to say. You hadn't thought it through at all; you just wanted to talk to her, hear her voice speaking to you directly instead of the masses.

She was talking to other songstresses once you approached. You stayed back, staring, waiting for their conversation to break. You weren't going to leave until you could talk to her.

Your chance came soon; too soon. You weren't prepared when one of her fellow performers spotted you. She said something to Dorothea, causing her to meet your gaze. You were immediately frozen in place when her chocolate-brown irises met your stunned (e/c) ones.

She separated from her companions, taking delicate steps towards you. All too quickly, she stopped before you, lips turning up in a smile. It was only out of courtesy, sure, but you still felt warm inside knowing it was all for you.

"Are you hoping for an autograph?" Her voice was as beautiful speaking as it was singing. You wanted her to continue talking to you until the end of time.

"Hello?" She waved her hand in front of your eyes, breaking you out of your daze.

You blinked rapidly as you finally processed what she'd asked. "Um...yes! That is why I was waiting."

You mentally smacked yourself across the cheek. What were you so nervous for? It's not like some commoner like you had a chance with the gifted songstress. To her, you were just another fan.

You held out the pamphlet about the show you'd just watched. Dorothea reached out to take it as she focused more on looking for a feather pen to write with.

As she grasped the paper, the tips of her fingers grazed your own. It sent a rush of warmth through your entire body, as well as caused your heart rate to pick up slightly. Unfortunately, just as swiftly as it came, the feeling faded away, leaving you craving more. You needed to feel her touch. It was like a blessing from the Goddess. You wanted to hold her hand and never let go.

Dorothea, who seemed entirely unaffected by that slight touch, sighed as she gave up the search, eyes returning to yours. "I'm not sure I'll find a pen anytime soon. I have to return home before it gets too late, but I can always give you an autograph some other time. What is your name?"

As ridiculous as it is, you were practically overjoyed to hear her ask that. Knowing someone's name made you closer to them. As desperate as you were, it fed you a false sense of hope that someday you could mean something to her. "It's (y/n)."

"(y/n)," she repeated. The name sounded so lovely rolling off her tongue. Anything she said sounded lovely, though this made you like your name a little more. "I'll be sure to remember you. Come see me after another performance and I'll give you my autograph."

You nodded as you took the pamphlet back from her. You couldn't do anything except watch her walk away after that. You were too hung up on her promise. She promised to remember you. You prayed to the Goddess that promise would hold true.

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