Ferdinand x reader

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A modern AU. Also no spoilers for once.

Ever since you were young, you always showed more promise than your twin brother, Linhardt. Those weren't your words, of course, but lots of people thought that. Not many knew how intelligent he was since he spent all his time sleeping. You thought he might be upset about everyone giving you all the attention, but actually, he seemed to prefer it that way.

Anyways, no one paid Linhardt much mind since they usually went to shower you in compliments instead. You had an outstanding work ethic, balancing your studies with after school jobs that you did each day save for Saturdays. You only needed one day off in your opinion (Linhardt would disagree and say you should only have to work once a week at most).

Because you were so determined to finish any task given to you, you did exceptionally well in certain classes and at your jobs. This also led to people often taking advantage of you. Everyone wanted to be paired with you for a group project since you'd do all the work. Especially this girl named Hilda who you had one class with. The last time you were paired with her, you did absolutely everything. But there were other kids who actually helped, like Ignatz and Ferdinand.

Actually, Ferdinand tried to do everything himself. He seemed determined to do more work than you no matter what it was. Not in a "bitter rival" sort of way like his relationship with Hubert, but just...as if he needed to prove just how great he was. He seemed to need to do that anyway, but he was more aggressive about it when you were involved. You came to the conclusion he thought you were trying to beat him at the whole perfection game, which is a ridiculous idea. You didn't care about status like he did.

Now, what is happening at the moment? You were assigned a group project with two partners who couldn't work well with you at all. Linhardt wouldn't do a single thing to help and Ferdinand would shove you aside to do everything himself.

What your actually working on is irrelevant, so, all three of you were seated on the floor of your room with the materials in front of you. You were trying to organize things, as was Ferdinand, except in his "more efficient" way. You silently gave in and helped put stuff wherever he was trying to.

"Okay, now that's done-" You leaned back with your hands on your hips. "-who should do which part?"

Ferdinand placed his hand on his chest. "I will handle everything from here. There is no need for either of you to trouble yourselves."

That's about what you expected him to say. Unfortunately for him, unlike Linhardt, you couldn't stand sitting idly by and waiting for someone else to do your job.

"The whole point of this assignment is to work as a team," you reminded him. "We should split the project into sections and each work on one."

"There is no need," he insisted. "This is hardly a challenge for one as efficient as myself."

This was starting to piss you off. You put up with this every time he was supposed to be your partner for any project. The same thing applied to physical training. "I know you think you're better than everyone, but we're supposed to work together. Not compete to see who can finish first."

"This is no competition!" He sounded exceptionally shocked that you would accuse him of making everything into a competition. What a ridiculous idea! "I am only saying I can do this on my own in record time."

"If you want my input," Linhardt interrupted as he examined the mechanical pencil he was playing with rather than focus on either of you. "I think Ferdinand should just admit he's trying to impress (y/n) and get over this poor attempt to show off."

"Linhardt!" The now embarrassed orange-haired boy snapped. "There is no reason for you to accuse me of things that are not true in the slightest!"

"I'm not accusing you of anything." He twisted the top off the pencil, watching the lead fall onto the floor. "I'm simply stating facts. You have a crush on my sister, and you're indirectly trying to show her how great you are even though you're no better than the rest of us."

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