Linhardt x reader

376 9 3

Requested by TheOneWeirdOtaku

This one is a modern AU. And there's a few mild cuss words.


"Linhardt! Where's my towel?!"

"Why would I know where it is?"

You sighed in frustration as you leaned against the door of the bathroom. You were so sure you'd taken a towel with you when you went to shower. The only logical explanation was that your roommate had stolen it as a joke of some sort, and not that you probably did forget it.

"Give it back!" you yelled to him again.

"I don't have it!" he stubbornly insisted.

"Then where is it?"

"Why don't you ask yourself that?"

"Just bring me another one!"

You listened through the door, wondering if you would have to yell at him again. You soon picked up the sound of footsteps approaching the door and decided to spare him for now.

"There," Linhardt's muffled voice came from the other side of the door after a minute. "It's on the door handle."

Once you decided he'd gone away, you opened the door just enough to fit your arm through. You swept the towel inside, closing the door right afterwards.

After drying every surface of your body, you dressed yourself in an outfit you'd normally not wear. A beautiful black dress, sleeves off the shoulders, and cut at one thigh to show off a little more skin. Along with it, fishnet tights and black flats, as well as a pair of earrings you'd gotten as a gift from your mother.

After checking yourself out in the full body mirror leaning against the wall for this sort of occasion, you determined the only thing missing was a necklace to match the earrings, and maybe even a small cover in case it becomes cold. You complimented yourself on putting together this nice first-date outfit.

You finally left the bathroom, heading over to your bedroom for the missing pieces of this outfit.

You returned to the main room of your apartment as you were adjusting your necklace. You stopped by the couch where your roommate had seated himself to watch the news channel.

"Linhardt-" You waited for him to look at you. "-what do you think?" You gestured to the outfit, as if it weren't obvious what you were asking. "It's not too much, right?"

"Yes it is." He picked up the remote to turn the volume down a bit. "Why don't you just wear what you normally wear? Better yet, the hoodie and sweatpants you wear around here."

You crossed your arms. "Because I don't want to look like a homeless person, Linhardt."

"Why does it matter? Anyone would assume you have a home as long as your hair is clean and your legs are shaved, which they aren't."

"What?" You squinted down at your exposed skin, looking for signs of hair. You spotted a small patch that you must have missed while you were in the shower. "Damn, I thought I'd gotten it all...."

"Well, it looks like you won't be going on your date after all. I guess you'll just have to stay here, and-" He lifted up a book on the coffee table, setting it back down after discovering nothing underneath it. "-help me find that report I was working on.... Where did I put that?"

You didn't understand why he always tried to shoot down your hopes of finding a good boyfriend. Sure, most of the guys you'd tried going out with had turned out to be toxic assholes, but you wouldn't find someone if you weren't willing to take the risk. You weren't the type to sit back and wait for someone to come to you.

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