Ashe x reader

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I've had this one as a draft for a little bit so I decided I'll just publish it now.
Some slight spoilers for part 1

On his first day at Garreg Mach's Officer's Academy, Ashe was eager to meet all the other students, and even make some friends. Although some of the other students were cold or unhappy, he was still glad to find out most of his class was kind-hearted. As for students like Felix, he still found some good in them.

There was one student in particular that got his attention, though.

A girl in the Black Eagles class by the name (y/n) (l/n). There was something different about her. She seemed so...empty. Devoid of feeling. He couldn't describe it any other way than that.

If that weren't concerning enough, the words she spoke were also strange. He'd been questioning the first things she said to him ever since meeting.

"Hey there!" Ashe cheerfully greeted a gloomy, (h/c)-haired student. He almost hadn't noticed her. She blended in perfectly.

She said nothing to him, only grunting as her eyes remained trained on the book in her hands.

He continued the conversation nevertheless. "I'm Ashe Ubert. What's your name?"

"...What does it matter?" she eventually muttered when he refused to leave.

"Hm?" He carried on however he could without possibly offending her. "You're a student too, right? I thought we could become friends."

"Then you'll be severely disappointed to find out I cannot have friends." With those final words, she left the area.

After that, he rarely saw her around. It was as if she were hiding away from everyone. And when he did find her, she was always busy with a conversation, either with a teacher or Edelgard and Hubert. She always looked more upset than usual when talking to those two....

Ashe was able to catch her alone one time, after asking her class's teacher about her. She was still as unfriendly as ever, but he did get something out of her.

Ashe ran after the girl as she made her routine trip to the library. Other than the dining hall, that was the only place anyone ever saw her out of class, and only for a brief time.

"Hey! (y/n)!"

His call didn't make her stop. In fact, she sped up slightly.

After pursuing her further, he had to step in front of her to get her to stop ignoring him. "(y/n), hang on a second."

She huffed, meeting his gaze with a cold one of her own.

"Um...." He hadn't thought past this part. His uncertainty broke through when he came up with something on the spot. "A-are you busy? I was hoping to talk to you for a little while."

"Yes I'm busy." She tried to get around him, but he wouldn't let her escape that easily.

"Wait! If there's something bothering you, let's talk about it."

"Why should I tell you anything?"

"I like helping others," he explained as though it were the obvious answer. "I'd like to help you resolve any issues you may have."

"Don't waste your time." She walked past him again, and he followed. "No one can help me. I cannot be saved."

Now in his room later that day, Ashe had already prepared to go to bed.

As he laid down, he pondered over the conversation of earlier.

"Cannot be saved"? What does she mean by that?

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