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To everyone that read the last chapter, to all of you that shared, I'm super duper thankful. God bless.😇❤


"You're mad."

Adeelah said to her friend, Fatimah.

"You're crazy." Fatimah smiled in agreement as she dusted off her seat while her best friend looked at her. She finished and threw the paper to the binway.

"Now that I am all seated, I am ready to face you." She said, stretching her hand. The class was scant, because she and her best friend came early. Their course mates were late comers even though some lecturers closed their doors, that didn't stop the late comers from being late.

"You mean it happened last night and you didn't have the thought to call me and tell me?" Adeelah asked impatiently.

"I wanted to see every of your expression that's why!" Fatimah defended.

"Now you have seen it. Fatimah Zarah Babangida you've seen it." When Adeelah called her with her full name, she knew Adeelah was angry with her. Truth was she wanted to surprise her best friend. But surprise went wrong.

"I am sorry Deel," she gave up.

Adeelah turned to her.

"You got engaged." She punched her.

"And," she punched her again as she laughed. Fatimah laughed with her but Adeelah's hands were painful. It was as if she rubbed some clay to them.

"You felt like not telling me..." She raised her hand in the air and smacked her again.

"Until today." It was after she had said that, she noticed that the lecturer had already came in due to the unusual silence that erupted the class. He was a very tall and lean Fulani man, Malam Hassan. His eyes were on the both of them as he folded his arms and rested them on his chest.

Adeelah and Fatimah turned around and noticed several pair of eyes on them. Fatimah looked down while Adeelah looked at every pair of eyes, one after the other. Some looked away whilst some kept shifting their balls from the lecturer to Adeelah.

"Are you animals?" He asked.

"No sir, we are humans as you can see." Adeelah answered him timidly. Fatimah pinched her in bid to stop her from talking further. She had heard from her brother's friend that the biochemistry lecturer was hot tempered and could fail a student over a small brawl.

The class was on uproar of laughter that triggered the lecturer's anger. There were even carryover and spill over students amidst the fresh level two hundred students. They felt so happy that finally, someone had grew the courage to talk back at him.

"No you're animals." He answered.

"No, we are not sir."

"Didn't you learn Biology in your secondary school? Even humans are animals." Adeelah shrugged.

"Okay AnimSir." She sat back. The lecturer didn't seem to understand what she did but the class did as they laughed for the second time. Some initiated a clap but no one clapped with them due to fear of the outcome.

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