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Days passed and nothing came between them. Adeelah would've admit that they're the most longest days she had ever witnessed in her life. She felt so lonely and isolated. After Fatimah's wedding, Salisu stopped coming and Abba told her he had taken a break and he would come back when they're going to Abuja.

On normal circumstance, she's supposed to be happy that Salisu was finally away and she would have a breath of fresh air. Now the air felt clogged without him. She wanted to tell somoene how much she missed his presence but she couldn't do that. Any other person would laugh at her.

Adeelah knew Salisu couldn't read a text that's why she made it a habit to send him message everyday. Second, she was certain he wouldn't take it to anyone, he wouldn't ask anyone to read it for him. She felt better whenever she write to him.

'My heart feels so heavy right now. Did you leave yours for me to cater? And it's not helping me?' She sent. She didn't know love and that wasn't love. She was sure. More so Salisu couldn't read that. That's all. She had to get rid of the weight.


Adeelah didn't count the days but she knew they flew fast as she sat inside the car with Salisu in the driver's seat driving them out of her house.

She looked at the house and felt some tears dropping from her eyes. She's leaving home for six months straight. Ya rabb. Even yesterday when she visited aunt Siddiqa to bid her bye, she ended up being emotional.

"You can come every two weeks if you want, you don't have to be crying." Salisu's voice interrupted her. She hadn't seen or heard him for a very long time. Now she didn't even know how to face him and ask him about the arrangements he made for her. As his wife.

How bizarre was that.

"Than—okay." She replied, sipping in her tears back. She looked outside as he drove, with a lot of thoughts winding in her head with no direction.

"We are going to have separate rooms right? Separate houses maybe?" She asked out of the blues. It was her thought since they began the journey.

"Whichever suits." He shortly replied her. When he crossed a corner, Adeelah looked at him.

Salisu noticed the way she was resisting to ask him.

"I don't steal you know? I don't kidnap either. We're going to Goggo before we take the road to Abuja. We need her blessings. Don't we?" Adeelah nodded. The drive was silent. Minutes after, Salisu's phone rang, piercing through the thick eerie in the car. He had hesitated before he picked the call. Adeelah had noticed that.

"Nasiru I am driving, I will call you... Oh something? Okay in five minutes." She heard him say but the look on his face stamped on her heart. She saw him from a different angle, a different face.

"That's suspicious. I will say you are ready to kidnap me." Salisu laughed when she finished with a glare.

He glanced at her before he focused on the road ahead him. "It's safe to kidnap my wife, you know." He continued to drive.


Baffa Kabo discarded the cigar he had been smoking. He didn't know how many sticks he had that day. His head was on fire, ablaze and hot. What his brother was doing had been nagging him and he's not ready to accept that.

They had an agreement. Now he wanted to breach the agreement, just when he thought, his son, El-mustapha had started becoming a household name. His name was becoming famous by the days and him, making an appearance on the media just once with a dark shade on his face was something that touched somewhere in Baffa Kabo's mind.

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