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Strength wasn't about someone's physical makeup. It's the ability of the heart to withstand alot of pressure without yielding. Adeelah figured out she's a very strong woman at heart with the way she's handling things almost all alone.

She often wondered, although being careful not be ungrateful to the numerous blessings Allah had endowed her with, why fate chose her upon all the people in Abba's life. Why would all this befall on her? Why would she be the one to find out about it all? She would often shake the thoughts away since she had no answers.

Adeelah's usually wake up to offer a midnight prayer even before her alarm shriek. It had became a routine for her, a new habit in fact, for three months. She just couldn't sleep a whole night without praying except if she's off prayer. Even on those days, she would found herself awake. No number of tossings on the bed could make her sleep until she's offer some tahleel or tasbih.

The whole situation reminded her that life's not a permanent dwelling. She had been living carefreely for all her life and now, unexpectedly, everything turned haywire. She would only thank Allah in such a situation and hoped to pass that trial successfully.

Forth the incidence, as she sat alone in her home, she often delve more about her religion from various sites and channels. She also acknowledged that, it's a blessing, if looked in the positive way.

"You're lost in thoughts." She heard him say.

Being together for such a time, only one thing changed. Muhammad would sit with her unless she's sleepy. He would often allow her to leave the parlor first before him. Somedays he would sit at home all day long and Adeelah wondered if he had a work to do. She's suddenly turned to scaredy-cat, always thinking negative on his source of income. What if he had partnered with Abba? What if Abba knew him through that dirty route.

Adeelah knew her mental state, no matter how she trief to remain steady, it would never be normal. She's become a very different person-in not a good way.

She's become paranoid with everyone around her. She felt as if the world was completely a bad place. Whenever she felt that thought surfacing, she would quickly intercept it with any prayer that came to her mind.

Adeelah knew if not for Allah's mercy in her, she would have been in the psychiatric.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Muhammad asked again, shifting close to where Adeelah was sitting.

Adeelah heaved, which had also became habitual. "I am fine."

Muhammad knew it was a lie. He wished he could tell her why he married her in order to ease the tension in her head. He pitied her, because everyone could tell from a distance that Adeelah was hanging on. He would often hear her weeping and there's nothing he could do. Perhaps it's time to destroy those boundaries he set for himself in bid to help her. He'd rather help her by being emotionally there for her. She's in need of a shoulder to lean on. He could read that from her silence. Either way, she shouldn't worry because he would eventually bring peace to her doorstep by God's grace. It's just a matter of time.

Muhammad held her with her regards especially now that she's under him. She's a woman of strength. He had seen how she's there for her father, how she's manage to write her final examinations in mid of all the brouhaha, and how she's trying to fit in her home.

With so much admiration visible in his eyes, he rustled. "Come here."

Adeelah was reluctant at first, but when his large arms encircled her, she found herself cocooned in his hold. She wanted to lie to herself that his hold wasn't soothing. Needn't, she succumbed and agreed it was nothing but soothing and to be with him. She felt as if she was safe there, as if nothing could harm her again. The first time he lifted her at the hospital, her head against his chest, she felt the same and that's why she wasn't able to scream.

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