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"He doesn't recognise me, Hidaya! What did i do to deserve all these?" Ameer complained, resisting the urge to cry. Hidaya looked at him again, he's really hurting. Their lives hadn't been the same since he met that Adeelah who turned out to be his sister. She felt like she's the root cause of it all.

If only she'd remained grateful, he wouldn't have wander his gaze around the street not to talk of seeing Adeelah. She would have been saved the heartache of knowing her husband was born out of the locks of marriage. Then, her kids would grow up and they'd come to know. Anyway, it's all fate and since no one knew about it apart from the small family circle, she's grateful.

Her mind wandered off to her thoughts last few weeks when she was thinking of leaving him. But how sure of the future was she? Would the men come knocking as her mother always say? She shook her head, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

It didn't matter. What mattered was Ameer was a good person and a good husband to her and she's certain that he will be a good father to their kids.  It's only human to make mistakes. She's made great mistakes too and he forgave her.

She remembered not liking the relationship between him and his mother. Now that Allah had taken the mother away, was she any better? What changed? Nothing! She became even more guilty... thats why it's good to live with people with good intentions because one day the either of you will leave the world, you would have nothing to gain for that.

Instead of replying Ameer, she held him in sympathy. He truly was pained. And she couldn't do or say anything because she's outweighed with guilt in her heart.

Perhaps if she hadn't act the way she acted, he wouldn't have met Adeelah. They would have been happy by now. His mother would have been alive, perhaps. She heaved a sigh altogether, forcing herself to believe it's all qadr. Allah had ordained it billion years prior to her birth and nothing in her power could change it otherwise.

"I'm sorry Ameer. It's all fate." She consoled him. He only remained limp, believing her. It's all arranged from above and whether he accepted it or not, there wrre lessons in what happened to him.


Adeelah was stunned to open the door and see Muhammad along with Nafeesah tagging behind him with puffy eyes. She shifted her gaze from him to Nafeesah. The first thing that rang to her head was the coldness her sister exude. It was so evident between Nafeesah and her mother. And Adeelah. When she tried to talk to her, she shouted at Adeelah and Adeelah being Adeelah only shrugged. It's Nafeesah's lost anyway.

Now seeing her along with her husband made her still. So she just shifted without a word at neither of them.

Just when Nafeesah walked in, Adeelah saw Muhammad walking in with a traveling bag. Hmm, if he wasn't willing to talk, she wouldn't talk. Let him keep dragging, she would tag along.

Ignoring Nafeesah, she faltered to her room and sprawled on the bed. Suddenly, she's missing Celine. She decided to call her then she noticed that her phone was no where to be found. If Muhammad carried it, she wouldn't ask for it. It's a mere light thought, the stronger thought was she misplaced the phone somewhere around the house.

She drew her leg up and started to think. Her life played in her head like it were some movie. It's ironic how all she was able to call the film of her life started from the day Abba called her to say the old chauffeur resigned. Then Salisu came. She remembered how much his sight iritated her and how much he endured. Then she remembered getting married to him in Abba's parlor. Not even Abba knew that, that time she only married Salisu because she felt some sense of protection with him, she was also secretly hoping that they would be in good terms with each other even though her ego was totally against it.

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