Chapter 3

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Warning there will be a few swear words in this chapter 

Short chapter ahead since I'm low on ideas. 

I do not own Voltron, I only own Hailey Ito 


Lotor, Keith and Lance all sat in Principal Zarkons office, with their mothers at their sides. 

"Mrs. Kogane, Mrs. McClain, Mrs. Dibazaal, I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances." Principal Zarkon spoke. "Kids, why don't you explain why you're here?" 

"Lotor punched me in the face." Keith spoke. "I spit in his face so he went to punch me again bu-" 

"I stepped in and save Kogane from getting punched. I told Lotor to walk away but instead he continued to fight. I pulled Keith out of the way, dodging Lotor at the same time. I then provoked Lotor and he got angry and that's how the fight broke out." Lance shrugged. 

Everyone looked at Lotor who was still holding his bloody nose. 

"So what!" Lotor exclaimed, shrinking underneath the glare of Keith's mother. "Yeah I punched short stuff! He deserved it!" 

"How long has this been going on for, Keith?" Krolia asked, arms crossed. 

"Since the beginning of high school." Keith admitted. 

"I'm guessing you already have the punishments." Krolia said, looking at the principal. 

Mr. Zarkon nodded. "Lotor is suspended for the rest of the week, since it's Monday, he can return next Monday. Lance is suspended for two days since he was involved, Keith you can go home for today and return to tomorrow." 

"Wait! Why is my son suspended longer than McClain!?" Lotor's mother spoke up. 

"You see, Lotor here has been bullying Keith for a while now. Since he also started the fight, it's only fair he is suspended longer for his actions." 

"I see." Mrs. Dibazaal nodded. 

"Everyone is dismissed." The man in charge said. 

Everyone stood up and left the office. Lotor was getting a scolding from his mother, Lance was too just not as bad. Krolia was looking over Keith's injuries. 

"Your eyes is going to be bruised for a bit little red." Krolia spoke. 

Keith blushed as soon as his mom said the nickname. 

"Mr. McClain wait!" Krolia called out suddenly, making Lance and Rosa come to a stop and turn to face the woman. "I just wanted to say thank you for standing up for Keith. I'm assuming whenever he was targeted he was alone. So, thank you." 

"Uh, It was no problem." Lance replied, turning around and walked towards the car. 

Rosa looked at Krolia. "His sister was bullied a lot in high school. She suffered from depression. He just doesn't want anyone to go through the same thing." She said.

"I understand, my husband went through that to." Krolia sighed.

"I'm Rosa." The mother introduced, sticking her hand out. 

"Krolia." She smiled, shaking the others hand. 

"Mom?" Keith piped up. 

"Yes Li-Keith?" 

"Can we go home now?" He questioned. 

Krolia nodded. "It was nice meeting you Rosa." 

"Nice meeting you too, Krolia." Rosa smiled and walked towards her car. 

"Mom." Keith said as they drove home. 

"Yes?" Krolia hummed. 

"I-I think I know who my soulmate is." Keith answered. 

"You do!? You have to tell me! Who is it?! Did you meet them!?" Krolia squealed, swerving all over the road. 

Keith grabbed the handle above him, which he called the 'oh shit' handle. "Mom! Would you concentrate on driving and I'll tell you!"

Krolia relaxed and started driving properly. "Well?" She asked, an eyebrow raised. 

"I think it's Lance." Keith said softy. 

"How do you know?" 

"I felt safe with him. It's hard to explain. But I just felt like I knew he was the one. Not just that but he had that Blue Lion Tattoo on his left shoulder, the one on my left shoulder that appeared out of nowhere when I was 16." Keith explained. "But I don't think he knows that we're soulmates." 

The two arrived at home. When Keith glanced at his mother, she had tears in her eyes. 

As they both got out of the car, Keith quickly ran to his moms side. 

"Are you okay?" He quickly asked. 

"My baby is growing up!" Krolia wailed. "I have to tell your father!" 

Krolia whipped out her phone. "It's his lunch break so he should answer." She quickly dialed her husbands number, and on the second ring, he answered. 

"Heith! You have to come home right now!" She cried. "It's an emergency!" 

Keith sighed. "Mom, you're being dramatic." And he walked inside to grab ice for his eye.

Grabbing the ice, he walked upstairs to his room. He grabbed a marker out of his desk and sat on the bed. 

He held out his arm and wrote 'Hi.'

~Lance's world.~

Lance lied in bed, wondering if he should write to his soulmate or leave them be. 

He stared at his arm only to realize that his soulmate wrote first. 


Grabbing his blue marker off his nightstand, he wrote back. 

Italics = Keith  Bold = Lance


'How are you?' 

'Good. You?' 

'Good. Do you want to hear something weird?' 

'Sure. Why not?' 

'I don't know you yet, but everytime we communicate, I get butterflies.' 

'Same here. You have no idea.' 

'Do you think we know each other in person but just don't know we're soulmates?' 

'I don't know. I feel like I know you, but I'm not sure.' 

'Tell you what. If we don't know each other by the end of high school.... We go and meet up somewhere.' 

'I would like that' 

'I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Okay?' 


Lance sighed. All he wanted to do was meet his soulmate. He didn't care if they hung out for the first month or even week and get to know each other. 

All he wanted was to meet them. 

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