Chapter 57

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School starts In a few weeks. Blah. Luckily it's my last year.

I think, this book will be coming to an end soon... we will see.



"Hey you guys." Ryan smiled as the family gathered around the room.

"R-man!" Kora cried and reached over for him.

"Hey K-girl."

"Are you okay?" Kora questioned as she climbed up on the bed next to him.

"I'm alright. How's Veronica?" Ryan asked.

Nobody replied for a few moments. A depressing mood feel upon everyone.

"V isn't okay." Kora sniffled and gave Ryan a hug.

Kora's body shook as she sobbed.

Keith had a few tears rolling down his face. He couldn't handle this anymore. It was all to much for him.

Lance noticed and grabbed Keith's hand.

A knock on the door interrupted the silence and in walked the doctor.

"Are you all here for Veronica?"

Everyone nodded.

"She's awake now. She'll be sore for a few days. We will have to keep her overnight, you can go see her she's in nextdoor, on the left. But you Ryan, are free to go. You'll just have to make an appointment to come back so we can remove the stitches."

Ryan nodded. "I'm going to sign myself out. I'll meet you over there."

"Alright." Rosa said.

"Lance, could you and I talk for a second?" Ryan asked before Lance could leave.

"Yeah sure." Lance said letting go of Keith's hand. "You go on in. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Keith nodded and left the room with everyone else.

"V?" Kora whimpered as she walked into the room.

"Kora?" Veronica whispered turning her head to face them.

"Veronica?" Rosa said.

"Hey. What happened?" Veronica questioned.

"You were in a car accident hunny." Rosa said grabbing her daughters hand. "Doctors are saying you may have a concussion. You were found unresponsive in the car, a piece of glass got launched into your stomach."

"My stomach?" Veronica said.

Rosa nodded.

Veronica lifted her shirt up with her free hand to reveal stitches. "Oh my-"

"Veronica?" Ryan asked walking into the room with Lance.

"Ryan!" Veronica sighed in relief. "You're okay."

The couple shared a quick hug before being interrupted by another doctor, again.

"How are you feeling Veronica?" The doctor smiled.

"Sore and tired I guess." She answered.

"That's common. So I guess this the family." The doctor said. "That's good. Now that you are all here, I have some bad news."

"What kind of bad news?" Ryan asked squeezing his wife's hand.

"The piece of glass that got indulged in Veronica's stomach hit her uterus. Veronica did you know you were 3 weeks pregnant?"

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