Chapter 12

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I do not own Voltron.

Reminder: I am writing on my phone so I apologize for any spelling errors!!

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Keith was currently sitting on the couch cuddling a pillow, staring at the TV screen.

He was watching his favourite anime, Attack On Titan. But instead of watching it, he was thinking of something else.

'Should I call him and ask if he's okay now? To see If he wants to hang out and cuddle?'

Keith sighed. "Why am I like this? He's my soulmate. I should be there for him. So why am I scared to pick up the phone and call him. Or even pick up a marker?"

"Little red just pick up the phone and send him a text." Krolia said.

Keith jumped up, not realizing his mom was listening to him.

"Sorry." Krolia giggled. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Its okay." Keith mumbled. "Did you and Dad ever get Into anything like this?"

"Like what?" Krolia question sitting on the couch next to her son.

"Like ever afraid to talk to one another after something big? Like how Lance got into a fight and now I'm too scared to even shoot him a text?"

"Well." Krolia started. "There was one time when your father got into a fight with my best friend at the time."

"Hold up." Keith interrupted. "Dad and your best friend?"

"Yup. Your father back then well he was in a way like Lance. He was rebellious. Skipped school, got into a lot of fights, even got a tattoo at the age of 15." Krolia said. "After we met and got together and did normal soulmate stuff, Heith and my best friend has a falling out. Kolivan didn't like the way your father was. He was always against Heith and I being together, even if it was because we were soulmates. One night I had put together a party and thats when things got pretty bad. It turned out that my own best friend had fallen in love with me. He started saying stuff to Heith about how he didn't deserve me and that I should be with Kolivan instead. Kolivan went on and on about how he could treat me 'better.' That's when Heith got so angry and attack Kolivan. They got into a fight. And no matter how hard a I tried to break it up, it just wouldn't work. Heith ended up knocking Kolivan unconscious and when I tried to calm him down, he ended up hitting me."

"What? He hit you?" Keith gasped. Surprised that his father ever did anything like that.

"It wasn't his fault. He was just so angry that he was blinded by rage. When he realized what he had done he just said he had to go and he left. He had regretted what he had done so much. He stayed away from me for a while. About a week. Keith have you ever been away from Lance to the point it hurt?" Krolia asked.

"No. We've always been together." Keith said.

"When your dad didn't talk to me, write to me, see me, touch me. Or anything like that for a week, I began to feel this pain. I didn't understand what it was at first. But then I found out it was from being away from him for so long that it hurt. It's like getting stabbed by a knife multiple times. And I knew he could feel it too. I had continuously wrote on myself trying to get a response from him. He didn't even go to school for a week. And then that's when I had enough. I finally worked up the courage and went to his house demanding to see him. He was shocked to see me. I told him it wasn't his fault and that I forgave him. After that we talked and stuff again but he still wouldn't touch me afraid he would hurt me again. Then a few months later he did and got courage to do so. 9 months later we had you. You had changed your father Keith. When I told him I was pregnant with you, he changed. We both finished High school and he even apologized to my best friend and at that moment everything was okay. You see Keith? I think Lance is just afraid. Try to talk to him okay?" Krolia finished.

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