Chapter 27

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Warning: Mature themes aka Smut.

You can skip this chapter because that's all that is in it.

Hey so i can't write smut for my life so I apologize for the terrible smut that is up a head.

We got over 10k!!! Should I do something special thing for it like other authors do? Like Q&A or something? Let me know if you got any ideas.


Maybe Enjoy.


"You know." Lance mumbled to his soulmate. "You still owe me those cuddles and kisses."

Keith and Lance were currently at Keith's house. Alone.

Krolia had taken a shift at work to make up for not being there as much as she should. Kora was at Lance's house. Kora recently got super close with Veronica.

"Well we are cuddling now." Keith pointed out. And sure enough they were. "But I still owe you kisses."

Keith started to place kisses on Lance's neck. Leaving a few hickeys here and there before finally placing a kiss on Lance's lips.

"There you go." Keith smirked as he pulled away from Lance.

"Hell no." Lance growled as he pushed Keith on the bed and got on top of him. "You can't just go and get me all fucking turned on like that."

Keith smirked. "What are you going to do about it?"

"This." Lance smirked and ran his hand down Keith's chest stopping once they reached the bottom of his shirt.

Lance looked up at Keith like he was asking for permission.

Keith nodded.

Once Keith's shirt was off, Lance started trailing kisses down his soulmates torso, leaving a few hickeys here and there.

"Lance." Keith whimpered. "Come on. Don't do this."

Lance looked at Keith with a sly smirk before continuing down.

Keith suddenly let out a loud moan as his back arched up.

Lance had started palming him through the fabric of his jeans.

Lance then started unbuttoning Keith's pants and slowly dragged them down Keith's legs.

Once the jeans were off, Lance looked down at his soulmate and licked his lips. "Damn baby."

Keith was now just in his boxers with a hard on. He looked up at Lance pouting slightly. "Well that's not fair."

"What's not?" Lance questioned his smirk growing.

"I'm like almost completely naked and you're still fully dressed." Keith stated.

Lance stared Keith straight in his eyes before slowly and painfully pulling his shirt off.

Keith watched quietly biting his lip, trying not to let any noises slip from his mouth as his soulmate painfully undressed in front of him.

Finally, Lance pulled of his pants. He was now standing just in his boxers with a hard on as well.

"Fuck." Keith couldn't help it.

Lance got back on top of Keith trailing kisses down his neck.

Keith let out a moan as Lance found his sweet spot.

Lance abused that spot for a good minute before placing his lips on top of Keith's.

Keith opened his mouth slightly, gaining Lance accesses.

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