Chapter 31

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I almost made this as Chapter 33. Whoops.


It's short. I apologize.



"I got this." Keith mumbled to himself. "Go in. Don't look at him, don't talk to him, don't stare at him. Ignore him."

Keith walked into the school and down the hallway, as his locker was the destination. He had came to school earlier than normal today hoping Lance wouldn't come until later.

Keith's skin was covered In writing thanks to Lance trying to get his attention so that he could explain himself. But Keith continued to ignore it.

He had put foundation (okay for the girls who use makeup help me out here... Did I use the right product? I mean I'm a female but I don't use makeup....) to cover up the writing. It was a hot day so he wore Jean's and a T-shirt so any skin that was showing he had to cover up the writing there.

The writing started on his arms and heading down words. Lance even took an extreme measure and wrote on his ass. Writing covered the butt, legs, ankles, feet, toes. Then it went up covering his torso, chest, arms, neck.

"Keith." Shiro said making Keith jump.

"Oh Hey Shiro." Keith mumbled.

"You alright?" Shiro asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Peachy." Keith answered.

"If you say so." Shiro shrugged. "Anyways surprisingly everyone else is in the Cafeteria. Care to join us?"

"Yeah. Just let me grab what I need." Keith said grabbing his stuff quickly before slamming his locker door shut and quickly locking it. "We can go now."

Shiro nodded before walking down towards the cafeteria, Keith following behind.

As they walked towards the cafeteria, Keith spotted the boy he desperately wanted to see but knew what Lance did was wrong.

"Shit." Keith mumbled under his breath once he and Lance connected eyes.

Keith quickly averted his eyes away from his soulmate and continued to walk with Shiro.

"Everything okay Keith?" Shiro questioned noticing the said male reaction.

Keith nodded. "Everything's great."

"Keith." Pidge greeted as the males walk over to the table. "How are you? And Where's Lance?"

Keith tensed up at the name.

"Lance and Keith had a falling out." Hailey answered.

"Yeah. Watching your soulmate kiss someone that isn't you is definitely a falling out." Keith sighed.

Pidge immediately stood up. "He cheated on you?!"

And at that moment Lance decided to take that time and walk into the cafeteria.

"Oh let me at him!" Pidge growled and started to make her way over, but only to be held back by Keith himself.

"Just let him be. It was my choice to not talk to him. I just need time away from him." Keith mumbled.

"Keith?" Hailey said. "What's on your arm?"

Keith looked down and groaned once he seen that the writing on his skin appeared. His jacket had wiped off the makeup.

"Lance has been trying to get my attention. He constantly messages me, writes to and all that. Anything he can do." Keith said.

"So he's that desperate huh?" Shiro asked.

My Bad Loveryboy (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now