Chapter 48

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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone!

How are you all doing on this fine day?



"Keith!" Hailey shouted busting into the house, trying to catch her breath.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Keith questioned getting off the couch.

"This is an emergency!" Hailey exclaimed.

"What?" Keith asked panic rising in him. "What's wrong?!"

"Matt knows the gender of peanut and won't tell me what peanut is!" Hailey whined sitting on the couch. "He said he has something planned, like a gender reveal party!"

"Okay so let get this straight." Keith said crossing his arms as he stood in front of Hailey. "You ran all the way here, just to complain about Matt knowing the gender of baby peanut?"

Hailey nodded. "Yup!"

"You are something else." Keith smiled shaking his head. "Well since you're here you might as well stay for a bit. You want anything?"

"A pickle would be nice right about now." Hailey said rubbing her stomach.

Keith nodded and walked into the kitchen with Hailey following.

Keith grabbed the pickles out of the fridge while Hailey went through the cupboards and found some peanut butter.

"So where's Lance?" Hailey asked shoving a pickle in her mouth.

"He's at work." Keith said as Kosmo walked into the kitchen.

A cry rang out through the baby monitor that Keith had on the table.

"I'll be right back." Keith mumbled getting up from the chair.

"I'll be here!" Hailey said as she spread peanut butter on the pickle and took another bite.

Keith walked into Georgia's room to see Georgia standing up in her crib raising her arms as soon as the door opened.

"Dadada." She wailed as she held her arms out for her dad.

"You're okay." Keith cooed picking his daughter up and watched as she calmed down and snuggled into him. "Now let's go get some nummies."

Keith walked back to where Hailey was still sitting in the dining room.

"We should go out and do something today." Hailey said as Keith put Georgia in her high chair.

"Like what?" Keith questioned heading back into the kitchen to grab Georgia's food.

Hailey thought for a moment when she got an idea.

Keith walked back into the dining room, taking a seat next to Georgia and started to feed her.

"Let's get Kora and go to the beach!" Hailey smiled. "Just us. And Kosmo!"

"Sounds like a plan." Keith grinned.

"I'll head home and get the food. You get the girls, and Kosmo ready." Hailey instructed getting up and heading to front door.

"Alright. I'll head over to your house once we are ready to go." Keith said.

"Okay! See you soon!" Hailey said and left the house.

"Well Peach. Looks like we're going to the beach today."


"Mom?" Keith called out as he walked into the house Georgia in his arms.

"In here!"

My Bad Loveryboy (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now