Chapter 5

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I don't own any Voltron Characters. So far I only own Hailey Ito.

Warning: Cussing. Long chapter ahead

~Keith's world~

"W-what?" Lance stuttered.

"I'll explain everything. But first can we go somewhere else?" Keith said running a hand through his hair.

Lance nodded. "Put your stuff away first."

They reached Keith's locker. Keith unlocked his locker putting his belongings inside. He shut his locker door making sure to lock it.

Lance walked away with Keith following behind him. They walked out the front doors and continued down the street.

After about 10 minutes then reached a park. Lance walked through the park and down a hill where a tree and the lake were located at.

Lance sat under the tree before looking at Keith and nodded his head towards the ground in front of him.

Keith sat across from him criss crossing his legs.

"Explain." Lance demanded.

"I didn't think much of it at first. But 3 days ago when the incident with Lotor happened. I noticed that you had a blue lion tattoo on your left shoulder." Keith looked at Lance to see if he was still listening.

Lance nodded signaling Keith to continue.

"I happen to have the exact same one." Taking of his jacket he continued. "The exact same colors. The same details. The same everything."

Keith turned a little bit so Lance could get a better look.

"Then there's these." Keith showed the conversations on his arms.

Lance rolled his sleeves up to reveal the same things.

"You knew for 3 days? And didn't tell me when you first figured it out? Why?" Lance asked standing up. "Did you not want me as a Soulmate? Am I not good enough? Is it the tattoo and piercings?"

By the time Lance was going asking his questions, he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"No Lance! It wasn't that!" Keith Exclaimed also standing up.

"Than what Keith! Why didn't you say anything?!" Lance yelled.

"I was scared!" Keith yelled back.


"I was scared of what you thought of me. I was scared you were gonna reject me. I was scared that you were just gonna laugh in my face and walk away." Keith admitted. "I was scared."

At this point Keith was crying as well. "I'm sorry."

Lance took a step closer to Keith and pulled the shorter boy in for a hug.

"You don't have to be sorry. I should be the one apologizing. I should've let you explain things before I raised my voice at you. I'm sorry Keith." Lance said holding the boy close.

Keith nuzzled his head into Lance's chest. The two stood there for a minute until they felt something wet land on their heads.

Looking up, they saw the gray clouds rolling in.

"We better head to the school. There's no point in going to class so we can just go out or something if you want." Lance said pulling away from Keith.

Keith nodded and started walking back to the school. Lance came up beside him and grabbed his hand.

Keith looked up at Lance and blushed. Lance looked down at Keith and winked, making the boy blush even more.

"Is this why your mom calls you little red?" Lance questioned.

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