Chapter 13

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I don't own Voltron characters. And I apologize for any spelling errors. I'm kind of writing on my phone at the moment.




"Oh my gosh." Lance groaned. "My flipping head hurts."

"That's what you get for drinking last night! And its Tuesday you idiot! We have school!" Keith grumbled leaning over to grab the Advil for his soulmate.

"Can we like not go to school today? Please." Lance moaned clutching his head.

"Hang tight. I have to go get you some water." Keith said getting up out of bed.

"Hurry back. I need cuddles."

Keith rolled his eyes walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Is this what Hunk meant by getting Lance to calm down. Because this was the worst idea ever." Keith whispered to himself.

Sitting on the counter was a glass of water and a note.


Good morning Little Red. I thought Lance might need this so I decided to put some out for you. Don't worry about school. I texted Lance's mom and just said that he wasn't feeling well so he could stay here for a little bit, he won't be going to school. I also figured you would just stay with Lance so I called the school and let them know you wouldn't be coming today. I should be back around 4.

Love you,


"Seriously? Mommy?" Lance asked. "Baby, do you still call your mom mommy?"

Keith jumped, just realizing that Lance was behind him leaning over his shoulder.

"W-what no!" Keith stuttered blushing. "I haven't called her mommy In years."

"Mhmm sure." Lance teased swallowing the pill and take a drink of water.

"I don't!" Keith defended.

Lance just laughed and heading towards the couch.

Keith followed behind. "Now what?"

"Oh! You need to hear this song I'm like in love with!" Lance exclaimed pulling his phone out. "The song is in Spanish but it's awesome!"

Lance turned the volume all the way up and put the phone on the table.

Qué bien se ve

Me trae loco su figura

Ese trajecito corto le queda bien

Combinado con su lipstick color caf

Lance started moving his hips along to the music.

Keith stood by and watched.

Yo sólo la miré y me gustó

Me pegué y la invité: "Bailemos, eh?"

La noche está para un reggaetón lento

De esos que no se bailan hace tiempo

Yo sólo la miré y me gustó

Me pegué y la invité: "Bailemos, eh?"

La noche está para un reggaetón lento

De esos que no se bailan hace tiempo

Keith lied if he said he wasn't enjoying this.

Muy rica, latina, estás llena de vida

Sube las dos manos, dale pa' arriba

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