Chapter 43

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Hello Readers ~~ How's it going? Everyone's summer has been good so far?

Let's get this story on the road.




"Da!" Was heard followed by a tiny hand slamming down on Lance's face.

"Georgia." Keith smiled. "Be nice."

Georgia giggled. "Da! Dadadada!"

Lance groaned, moved away from Keith and Georgia making more room on the bed, and then snuggled into his pillow.

Keith let out a chuckle and let Georgia loose on the bed.

Georgia crawled over to her father and blew raspberries on his face before giving him a 'kiss.'

But when Lance still didn't budge, Georgia gave up and laid down beside her father and snuggled into him. Georgia closed her eyes as she snuggled into her father, deciding that she didn't get enough sleep as well.

Lance wrapped an arm around his daughter, pulling her closer, and with his other arm he pulled the blanket up, making sure to cover both of them.

Keith let out an 'aww' and took a picture of the two.

Deciding to let them be, Keith walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him and walking down the hallway to check on his sister.

He opened the bedroom door only to find Kora hanging off of her bed. Half of Kora was on the bed while the other was off. She was slowly slipping.

Keith moved forward to help her back on the bed and away from the edge. Once he did so, he tucked her in and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Morning Keith."

Keith jumped and looked at the owner of the voice.

"Jesus Hailey. You scared me. But Morning to you too." Keith smiled.

The two headed downstairs in silence.

"It's only 7?" Hailey said and rubbed her eyes.

"I guess so." Keith replied. "I'm surprised you aren't sleeping."

"Me too." Hailey said, taking a seat at the dining table.

"You want a tea or something?" Keith questioned.

"A tea would be nice. Thank you." Hailey answered.

Keith nodded and walked into the kitchen before putting the water on.

Just as Keith was walking back towards Hailey, a scream rang out through the house.

Keith knowing it all to well, quickly booked it upstairs.

Laying in her bed was Kora. She was screaming and thrashing around.

Keith quickly jumped into action. He grabbed onto Kora and pulled her into him.

"Kora!" Keith said slightly shaking her. "Come on! Wake up! It's Keith!"

Lance ran into the room just as Kora woke up.

Shiro, Adam, Matt, Hunk, Shay, Hailey , Pidge and Violet all piled into the room.

"It's okay." Keith mumbled rubbing Kora's back. "It was just a nightmare. You're okay. I'm here."

"It was scary." Kora cried. "I was alone. It was dark. I tried calling out everyone's name but nobody came. And then a light came on and you were lying on the floor. You weren't moving. I-i think you were dead. Ance too. Everyone."

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