Chapter 28

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Sorry it took me a while to update! Schools been getting to me, and I just ran out of ideas for the book.



Before they knew it, the month flew past.

Graduation was in a few weeks, the fair that Keith and the others planned to take Kora to was starting tomorrow.

"Come on Kora. You need to get to bed." Keith complained as his sister jumped up and down on the bed.

"I can't!" Kora giggled. "I'm excited!"

"You know the faster you go to sleep the faster tomorrow comes." Keith said.

Kora stopped jumping and got under her covers. "Can we call Teddy Bear?"

Keith thought for a moment before replying. "I guess. Lets hope he's still awake."

Keith took out his phone, unlocked it and clicked on 'Baby 💙'.

The phone rang out through the room as they waited for Lance to pick up.

"Hello?" Lance's voice rang out.

"Teddy Bear!" Kora shouted grabbing the phone from Keith's hand.

"Hey KitKat!" Lance smiled.

Keith crawled in beside Kora. "She really wanted to call you before she went to sleep." He said looking at the phone.

Kora smiled. "I can't wait for Tomorrow. I'm too excited to sleep."

"Well you know what they say." Lance stated. "The faster you sleep the faster tomorrow comes."

"Okay." Kora said quietly and rested her head on the pillow. "Night night."

"Night KitKat." Lance said gently.

Keith leaned over and gave Kora a kiss on the head before exiting the room quietly, with his phone in hand.

"Thank you." Keith smiled.

"Anything for you." Lance winked.

Keith let out a yawn as he made his way down the hallway feeling his eyes get heavy. Getting Kora to calm down was harder than he thought. Not only that but Gym class took a toll on him.

"Babe?" Lance asked noticing how tired Keith really looked.

"I'm okay. Just tired." Keith mumbled as he entered his room, closing the door behind him.

"Get some sleep." Lance said. "We have a big day a head of us."

"That we do." Keith said laying on his bed.

"I love you." Lance smiled from the other side of the phone.

"I love you too." Keith replied.

They said their nights and hung up with each other.

Keith plugged his phone in and let sleep take over him.


"Keef! Keef! Keef!" Kora giggled jumping up and down on his bed. "Come on!"

Keith let out a groan and reached his hands out grabbing Kora and pulled her into his arms.

"5 more minutes." Keith said gripping onto to Kora gently.

"But Keefy." Kora whined wiggling around in his arms. "Teddy Bear will be here soon. And you said that a long time ago."

"Fine." Keith said letting the girl go and climbing out of bed. "Did you eat breakfast yet?"

My Bad Loveryboy (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now