Chapter 9

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This chapter is Unedited. When I have time I'll edit it.


"Ready?" Lance ask as he and Keith stood in front of the school.

"I was going to have to come back at some point." Keith answered. "Let's go."

Lance grabbed Keith's hand and led him into the school.

"We have, Foods first, History, Geography and then Gym." Lance said as they reached Keith's locker.

"History." Keith groaned. "Doesn't Mr. Coran teach that class too?"

"Yeah." Lance laughed. "He's a great teacher!"

Keith grabbed his stuff. "Yes he is. "

"Hey look who's back!" Shiro said as he and Adam approached the two.

"How are you doing?" Adam asked as Shiro gave Keith a quick hug.

"Better. It's weird... Not having him around anymore." Keith sighed.

"Keith! Keith!"

Keith was on the ground before he could even recognize the voices.

"Welcome back!" Pidge said while laying on Keith.

"Thanks. Thing two can you get off me. Please?"

"Sorry! I was just excited to see you!" Pidge laughed getting off the boy.

Keith stood up and put a hand on Pidge's head.

"I missed you too." Keith laughed. "Hey Matt. Hey Hailey!"

"Hey." They replied.

"Keith you're back!" Hunk said running up to his friends soulmate and giving him a bear hug.

"I'm back." That's when Keith realized how much everyone missed him. He didn't think they did.

"We should go out this weekend! We can go to a cafe or a park?" Shay suggested.

"How about the beach? Say Saturday? Just us as a group." Keith suggested. "That is if everyone is available."

"We are available." Matt said pointing to Hailey, Pidge and himself.

"So are we." Shiro said nodding his head at Adam.

"We are too!" Hunk said, referring to him and Shay.

Everyone looked over at Lance.

"I'm in." Lance said staring at Keith, with a small smile.

'Friday. What a day to come back' Keith thought smiling looking at all his friends.

The bell then went off.

"See you all at lunch!" Lance said grabbing Keith's hand as everyone went there separate ways.

"Welcome back everyone!" Mrs. Jackson said as everyone took their seats. "Today we are making a cake! Please get into your groups. Ingredients and instructions are already on your counters."

"C'mon. You're in my group." Lance said as he and Keith got up.

"Who else is in our group?" Keith questioned.

"Hunk and Shay!" Lance said dragging the boy to their area meeting Hunk and Shay there.

"Cake! Cake! Cake!" Shay and Hunk chanted.

Keith laughed at the sight before him.

"Okay. Wash your hands, get your aprons on and tie your hair up! Chop Chop!!" Hunk said already getting ready.

My Bad Loveryboy (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now