Chapter 52

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Kora's book is in the making! I'm going to write a few chapters before I publish it though!



Romelle was over at Allura's house, most likely staying the night there again, and Lance was at work.

Krolia decided to come over and visit Keith and her granddaughter for a bit.

"Shit!" Keith hissed as he hit his knee off the table. "You're a fucking asshole!"

Krolia stifled a laugh. "Keith? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Keith said glaring at the table. "But the table won't be in a minute."

Kosmo ran up next to Keith and growled at the table.

"See Kosmo's got my back!" Keith said with a smirk.

Krolia laughed as her son and grandpup went off on the table.

The phone rang out making Keith's staring contest with the table break as he answered it.

"You'll never believe what just happened!" Hailey's voice rang out.

"Hello to you too." Keith grumbled.

"Hello Mr. Grumpy pants." Hailey laughed.

"Shut up." Keith muttered. "What did you call for?"

"The twins kicked!" Hailey squealed.

"Really?!" Keith said as his mood began to change. "That's amazing!"

"I had to call you!" Hailey said. "I was to excited."

"I can hear that." Keith said as his mood began to drop again.

"Keith are you alright?" Hailey questioned.

Keith thought for a moment. Was he? Than again he didn't get much sleep since Georgia's second tooth grew in last night so it caused her a lot of pain. His eyelids were so heavy he thought they were going to fall off. He felt drunk in a way. He knew it was just sleep deprivation.

"I think I'm just tired." Keith said. "Georgia's second tooth grew in last night."

"Oh I see." Hailey replied. "How about you go have a nap?"

"Yeah that sounds like a nice idea." Keith mumbled.

"I'll see you later. Bye Keith." Hailey said as she hung up the phone.

"Why don't I ever get to say bye?" Keith questioned making Krolia shrug. "I'm going to have a nap. Can you watch Georgia?"

"Of course." Krolia said softly.


Tossing and turning, Keith layed in bed awake. He was tired, super tired, but couldn't sleep.

Keith slowly got up and sat on his bed. He grabbed his phone and to look at the time but instead he was greeted with Pidge's name popping up on the screen.

"Hey Pidge." Keith greeted.

"Keith." Pidge sniffled, her voice horse. "Can we meet up? Just me and you. Something happend between Violet and I-"

"Where are you?" Keith asked getting out of bed.

"At the park." Pidge said quietly.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Keith replied.

"Thank you." Pidge said and hung up.

Keith walked over to his closet and grabbed a pair of jogging pants and Lance's shirt, since he couldn't fit into his own.

My Bad Loveryboy (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now