Chapter 53

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Well my dad gave me quite a surprise yesterday.

I LOVE Bearded Dragons, I don't know what it is about them but they just amaze me. My dad came home from work with a bearded dragon. I was so happy!

Short chapter for now. I'll make sure the next one's longer ;)



~~Few Months later, Keith is like 6 or 7 months pregnant meaning Hailey is about to pop and Kora has started school.~~

"Babe." Keith whispered and poked his soulmate on the cheek. "Baby."

"What?" Lance groaned and shoved his face into a pillow.

"Can you go get me a cheeseburger from McDonald's?" Keith asked softy. "Please."

"Babe it's 2 am and you want a cheese burger?" Lance questioned as he lifted his head from the pillow.

"Yes." Keith said seriously.

"Go back to sleep." Lance said rolling on his side and pulled the blanket up.

"B-but Lance." Keith said as tears welled up in his eyes.

Lance didn't move until he heard Keith sniffling. "Are you crying?" Lance asked.

"Well I wanted a motherfucking cheeseburger but you won't be an awesome boyfriend and go get one so I'll go and get one myself." Keith said throwing the blankets off of him and heading over to the closet.

Lance let out a sigh. "I'll go get one for you. Alright? Relax."

"Don't tell me what to do." Keith muttered angrily as he walked out of the room. "I'll do It myself."

Lane rolled out of bed and threw on some clothes and followed Keith. "Would you just sit down? I'll go get you one."

Keith stopped and thought about as baby Klance kicked his stomach. "Fine." Keith sighed.

"I'll be right back." Lance said giving Keith a quick kiss and left the house.

"Your father is a pain in the ass sometimes." Keith said rubbing his stomach. "But you'll love him. I'm hoping you're a mommy's baby because your older sister is daddy's girl. But you should call me Papa or something. You know what just call me mommy for now. Papa sounds old."

Baby Klance had stopped kicking Keith once he sat down and turned the tv on.

"Keith?" Romelle asked as she came out of the room.

"Hey Romelle." Keith smiled. "What are you doing up?"

"Just thinking about how Veronica asked me to be one of her bridesmaids." Romelle replied.

That's right. Veronica and Romelle because best friends a few weeks after they met. Veronica still needed to choose bridesmaids so Allura and Romelle were chosen while Keith was the maid of honor.

Ryan had chosen Lance to be best man while Shiro and Matt were chosen to be groomsmen.

The wedding set date was in 2 weeks, April 10th.

"Ah. The wedding." Keith said smiling. "I'm going to be very fat."

"Very pregnant." Romelle corrected. "Baby Klance is born in May June area right?"

Keith nodded. "Yup."

"And Hailey's due sometime this month?" Romelle asked.

"I believe so yes." Keith said.

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