Chapter 18

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I don't own Voltron!

Please remember I'm writing on my phone. I apologize for any mistakes.

And Happy Easter everyone! Hope it's a good one!




"Shiro!" Lance said.

"Hey guys!" Adam said appearing.

"Adam? Shiro? What are you guys doing here?" Keith asked.

"We were going on a date. Then we spotted you guys." Adam explained.

"You just can't leave them alone Lotor." Shiro growled.

Not giving Lotor a chance to speak, Shiro grabbed Lotors shirt lifting him in the air.

"I swear. The next time I find you around them, I won't be as nice." Shiro threatened dropping Lotor like a doll. "Scram."

Lotor, realizing who his opponent was, decided to leave.

"This isn't the end boys. Keith will be mine."

Then he left.

The only noise was the sobs that came from Keith.

Roberta and Veronica were speechless. And well Ryan had no clue what just happened.

"Thanks Shiro." Lance said softly.

Shiro nodded in return. "We'll see you guys later."

And with that Shiro and Adam walked into the restaurant.

"Keith." Lance said ignoring everyone around them.

Keith looked up. Tears still falling down his face.

"We'll figure this out. I promise."

"When and how Lance?" Keith questioned. "I don't understand! Why me!"

"Keit-" Lance started.

"Don't." Keith said. "Can we just leave. Please."


"Mama. I'm sorry." Lance said once they were in the house.

"Why didn't you tell me Lance?" Roberta asked softly.

"I didn't want to worry you. You had so much going on. Adding my problems on to yours." Lance sighed. "It just wouldn't be fair to you."

"Hijo." Roberta said. "You can tell me anything. You know that right?"

Lance nodded.

"Good. Now how about we all go to bed. I think its time for everyone to relax. Keith you are welcome to stay for the night." The mother said before turning around and heading up to her room.

Keith was silent.

"Keith?" Lance asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Can we just go to your room?" Keith said.

Lance nodded. "You can borrow my clothes."

Lance grabbed Keith's hand leading him upstairs to his room.

Once reaching the room, Lance went over to his closet grabbing clothes for Keith. While Lance did that, Keith shot a quick text to his mom letting her know where he was.

"Here." Lance said handing the clothes over to his soulmate.

"Thank you."

Keith, being to tired, just started changing In front of Lance.

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