Chapter 60

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*sniffles* after coming to rough decision.... I have decided it's time to end the book...

I mean, Lotor is gone, the family is happy now...

So there will be an epilogue after this :)

And then I can work on those 2 other books.

Sorry it took so long, I got distracted by the predictive touch.



~~A year and a half later~~

"I can't believe this Is happening." Krolia laughed as she wiped her tears. "My son is getting married."

Keith smiled at his mom. "That he is. I wish dad was here."

"He always was and always will be." Krolia smiled and rested a hand on Keith's shoulder. "You look amazing."

Keith was wearing a white tux, with a red bowtie.

Krolia was wearing a black dress that ended below her knees. Gems wrapping around the waist.

"It's almost time." Hailey said as she walked in with the twins.

The twins and Sofia could now walk. Georgia could talk a lot. Her words could get jumbled up a little but that's okay considering she's only two.

Kora was now 6, she still hasn't figured out that her best friend happened to be her soulmate.

Veronica stood on the other side of Keith holding Sofia's hand. "We are going to go over and see Lance. I'll bring Phia back in a few."

Keith smiled and nodded.

"Mom pretty." Georgia giggled as her baby sister and aunt left the room.

~With Lance.~

"Dad!" Sofia giggled as she ran over to him.

"Why don't you look pretty." Lance smiled as he swooped Sofia into his arms and tickled her stomach.

Sofia was in a purple dress that had flowers on the shoulders.

Sofia smiled widely and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek.

"You don't look so bad yourself." Veronica spoke up.

"¡Mi bebé ya creció!" Rosa sobbed. (My baby is all grown up)

"Oh Mama." Lance smiled. "Don't cry."

Lance was in a black tux with a blue bowtie.

Hunk, Ryan and Matt laughed, all wearing the same thing as Lance just with different colored bowties.

Hunk and Ryan were his best men, since he couldn't choose one. But Lance wanted Shiro in the wedding as well.

With Keith, Veronica and Hailey were his 'Maid of Honor'. While Shay was bridesmaid.

Sofia, Georgia, Kaleb and Zoey were flower girls/boy. While Kora was carrying the rings down.

Keith smiled. "After everything. We are finally completing our goals."

"Don't say sappy stuff like that!" Shay said. "You'll make me cry."

Shay was emotional....Due to being 4 months pregnant.

Veronica walked back in with Sofia. "Let's get this show on the road!"

Everyone got into position, and the song 'Into you' started playing.

Lance stood on the other end of the isle, making Rosa stop Georgia and Sofia from running to him.

Kaleb and Zoey walked down the isle, throwing purple flower petals as they walked, with Debbie walking behind them just in case.

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