Chapter 6

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I do not own Voltron Characters. Just Hailey Ito so far

Warning: Mild Language. Shitty writing job....

~Keith's world~

Keith groaned for like the 100th during the 65 minutes he's been in class for. He just wanted lunch to come around so he can eat, see his soulmate and his friends.

"Why do we have to find X anyways?" Keith asked glancing over at Shiro who just shrugged.

"Who knows." He said. That's when the bell for lunch finally went off.

"I'll meet you in the cafeteria!" Keith said shoving his things into his bag ready to go see his soulmate.

Shiro nodded and watched Keith race out of the classroom.

Keith ran down to his locker trying to make it there before Lance did. But he was to late.

"Damn!" He said walking over to Lance. "I was hoping to get here before you did."

Lance laughed. "Sorry babe. You tried."

Keith glared at him and opened his locker putting everything in side before shutting it again.

Lance pulled Keith in for a quick kiss before they went to cafeteria.

"Ready to go?" Lance asked looking down at his soulmate who nodded his head.

Lance grabbed Keith's hand and to the cafeteria they went. As soon as the walked into the room, it went dead silent. Everybody stared at the two before going back to what they were doing.

"Hey guys." Keith said to his group of friends that had now expanded by 3.

"Hah! Pay up losers!" Pidge said holding out her hands.

Keith, Lance , Hunk and Shay all looked confused as they watch Shiro and Matt groan and pull $10 out of their pockets and into the short females hand. Hailey sat in her seat and laughed at what was happening.

"This is why we don't bet with Pidge." Hailey laughed.

"Will someone explain what's going on?" Keith asked.

"We bet on who your soulmate was! I said Lance while Shiro said someone named Luke from math and Matt said some random guy no one knows." Pidge said laughing.

As Pidge was laughing, Shiro and Matt were pouting and their soulmates trying to cheer them up, Keith looked at Lance and said.

"Welcome to the group bad boy."

Lance chuckled. "Good to be here babe."

Just then Keith's phone started ringing which confused him because everyone he really ever communicates with was right in front of him and his mom doesn't call during school hours unless something bad happens. And with that thought his heart dropped into his stomach.

Mom flashed across the screen.

"Mom?" Keith asked confused.

"K-Keith." Krolia cried on the other end of the line.

"Mom what's wrong." The table went silent after Keith said that.

"You have to come to the hospital right now... it's your dad..." She trailed off.

"Mom tell me what happened." He said rushing on cleaning up his mess while his friends and soulmate watched him in confusion.

"Keith your dad got into a car accident. And it's not looking to good. They say he m-might not make it."

Keith dropped to the ground as his legs collapsed from underneath him.

"Keith!" His friends yelled as they ran over to him.

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