Chapter 44

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Good day everyone! How's it going?




"Come on." Keith mumbled trying to shove everything in his suitcase.

"You know." Lance started. "Won't Lotor know where we are going?"

Keith stopped what he was doing. "Fuck. You're right. He'll obviously know we are going home."

Keith sat down on the bed and put his head in hands.

"What are we going to do Lance?" Keith asked quietly. "We can't keep running. It's not fair to Georgia."

"We just have to find a way to end all of this." Lance said as he zipped up his suitcase. "With Georgia in our lives now, I can't let him do what he does. I have to stop him."

"We have to stop him." Keith corrected.

The two went silent as they finished up packing.

"I think I have an idea." Keith mumbled.

"What?" Lance asked taking a seat next to his soulmate.

"What if, we just leave?" Keith said.

"Keith what are you saying? We can't just leave." Lance replied. "We just got a house. We have families and friends we can't just leave."

"Hear me out." Keith started. "You and I. Only us two leave. Georgia can stay with one of our moms for a little bit, and we can go. Lotor will follow me know matter what. If we leave, we can bring him away from our families so they don't get dragged into this. We go somewhere else for a bit, a-and we bring him down."

Lance stopped and thought about for a moment.

He knew that no matter where Keith went, Lotor would follow. And he couldn't let Keith be on his own.

"Alright. But where would we go? And how would we take him down?" Lance questioned.

After a few moments of silence, Lance smirked.

"What?" Keith asked. "Wait- you aren't thinking of killing him are you?"

Lance nodded. "Slowly and painfully."

"Babe. You know when I say bring him down I mean put him in jail." Keith said.

Lance's smirked dropped. "B-but, it would be great revenge."

"Great revenge means him suffering in jail for the rest of his life." Keith corrected.

Lance let out a sigh. "Fine. We'll do it your way."

"Ryan is a cop right?" Keith questioned.

"Yup." Lance answered.

"We'll get him in on the plan then." Keith mumbled. "Other than Shiro, our mothers, and then Ryan, nobody needs to know what's going on. They don't need to get dragged into this."

"Okay. But what if, whatever we have planned, doesn't work?" Lance questioned. "We would've done it for nothing."

"We'll make it work." Keith said. "We have to."

A knock on the door interrupted their talk.

"We'll finish this later." Keith sighed and answered the door.

"You guys ready to go? Plan leaves in 3 hours." Shiro asked.

"Yeah. Are the girls ready?"

"Yup. Kora's got all of her stuff packed and I assume that you got Georgia's stuff packed." Shiro said.

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