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Hey you guys!

My new Klance book is out.

It's not the babysitting one. I'm working on the second chapter before I release it.

But in the meantime, I hope you will check out my new book,

'The Derby'

It's only called that until I come up with a better name for it anyways.

Here's a quick description of new book.

Derby... The boys are derby drivers. They race in every Derby they can get it. But what happens when they meet in a heat? Will they gain to like each other? Or will they become enemies when they have to go up agaisnt each other?

Read more to find out!


So I was thinking,

I miss writing this book. A lot.

So what do you guys think of me writing another soulmate AU?

Different Soulmate type, different plot etc.

I just wanted your opinions, I know how much you all enjoyed this book.

So I was just wondering :)

Oh! Before I forget,

If you have any ships you would like to read about, let me know!

As long as I know the ship and people than I will gladly write it for you!

Till next time you guys!


Hello Everyone!! I hope you are all are doing well and are safe during this rough time!

Now, at the beginning of 2020, I began to miss writing the thrill of this book. So I thought, What if I made a Sequel?

And so, I began to write it. Now, it only has about six chapters, but I can't wait any longer to share it with you all!

Introducing 'Her Bad Lovergirl.'

Sofia McClain, the second oldest child of Lance McClain and Keith Kogane, was born without a soulmate. This make her an easier target to most people. With her siblings and parents by her side, she can and will battle through her troubles.

But what if a new and old threat appears? Will the McClain family be able to get through it?

Oh man, can you guys feel the excitement?

Here's a very short sneak peak as well!!!!

But before you go on and read it,

I hope you all enjoy the Sequel (I keep writing squeal). Be safe and kind to one another!



"Sof, I'm only looking out for you. And that girl isn't someone you should be with, she's just trying to get in your pants and then leave you right after."

"No she's not." Sofia argued. "You don't know her at all! You're just jealous that I don't hang out with you anymore!"


"NO! You're upset that I actually made friends instead of following you around like a lost dog!" Sofia raised her voice, beginning to grow angry. "You don't even know her! You're just judging her based on how she looks and how she acts! "

Georgia gasped. "Sofia-"

"Shut up!" Sofia hissed, raising her fists. "You don't know her!"

Georgia quickly moved, hiding behind the punching bag as Sofia swung at her.

"Sofia!" Georgia said. "I'm just trying to look out for you!"

"I don't need you anymore! I'm not a kid!" Sofia snarled, swinging at the punching bag.

"Fine! Don't come crying to me when you're proven wrong!" Georgia snapped and stormed off.

Sofia felt tears well up in her eyes as she took her anger out on the punching bag in front of her. "She doesn't know her! She doesn't understand her!" 

My Bad Loveryboy (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now