Chapter 55

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I apologize for leaving you guys on that cliffhanger last chapter XD

You're reactions were everything!

Thank for the support and everything!

I am slowly working on Kora's book. Only because this story and Kora's story in a way have to line up. So I have to come back to this book and re-read the parts Kora are in. But don't worry! It is in the making!

I just realized that we missed Georgia's birthday. I'll have to do a special chapter on that!!!



Don't you just love being at the hospital at 3 am, with a cranky baby?

Keith walked around the waiting room, calming Georgia down and trying to patiently wait for the twins to arrive.

"Keith." Lance said. "Give me Georgia."

Keith did as Lance said and handed their daughter over.

"Now would you sit down." Lance said. "You're tired as hell. And if you won't sleep the least you could do is just sit."

Keith sat down beside Lance. "I'm sorry. I can't help it."

"You're excited." Shiro said. "We all are."

"So why didn't you leave Georgia with Romelle?" Pidge asked from her spot on the wall. "Don't get me wrong I love her. I was just surprised you brought her along."

"Romelle has to work in the morning." Lance said as Georgia chewed on his shirt, quietly crying. "You can't eat that sweetheart."

"I think it's her teeth again." Keith said grabbing her teething ring out of the diaper bag. "Here Peach."

Georgia immediately took the teething ring and started chewing on it.

The Holts soon showed up into the room.

"Did we miss anything?" Sam asked.

Pidge shook her head. "She's not fully dilated yet."

"Mom?" Georgia blubbered reaching out for Keith, who gladly took her with open arms.

"Lance." Keith mumbled. "Can you make her a bottle please?"

Lance nodded.

"Who would've thought you guys would be the first one to be parents." Adam said.

"We've come along way." Keith smiled remembering the times in high school.

"Remember when you first met Hailey?" Pidge asked. "And the first thing you said to her was 'You look like a bitch'."

Keith nodded and let out a laugh. "Matt didn't talk to me for days. What was worse was you agreed with me!"

"We were both meeting her for the first time." Pidge said.

"How about that time we dared you to try out for the cheerleader squad?" Shiro said.

"That was awful!" Pidge said.

"Not for us." Keith said as Lance handed the bottle to him.

"Remember when Lance first showed up to school?" Adam said. "And Keith was all about him."

"It's ironic how he's your soulmate." Shay said.

"All about me huh?" Lance said as he took a seat next to Keith

"You walked into the room and Keith's eyes lit up." Pidge smiled. "He wouldn't admit that he had a thing for you. But we could tell."

Keith rolled his eyes. "How about that party we went to?"

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