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Louis pov

I watch the sun slowly set. Soon enough we will arrive at the castle of Earl Harry Edward Styles.

He is not very popular but that is mainly due to the lack of attending events.

Everyone respects and listens to him but not many people have spoken to him or anything like that, some people didn't even saw him once, including myself.

Mary, the woman who hired me and 3 other boys to come and clean for the annual masked ball looks at me intently. "Is there something wrong, Louis?" I shake my head.

I've always been a dreamer so I often hear that question.

"He must be scared by the rumors of the castle," says Ashton, one of the cleaners who has been dragged along.

Luke laughs, "say so, the Earl is said to have killed his 6 husbands."

Yes, the earl is openly gay, everyone in the village knows that and no one says anything about it, afraid of getting banned or getting worse if they criticize.

I don't care, I'm openly gay myself as well.

"Guys stop saying those things, I don't want to hear gossip for the rest of the trip, understand?"

The 2 mumble a little while I keep quiet.

The rest of the ride goes quietly and in the evening we finally arrive at the castle.

I get out first and almost fall through my legs when I feel the tingling, sat in that narrow chicken coop of a carriage for too long.

I roll my eyes when I hear the other 2 chuckle.

I grin when I have an idea, "hey Luke, your lace is loose." When he points his head down I push him in the mud puddle in front of him.

"One down one to go," I smile and wave as I walk towards Mary, who also has to laugh a bit about it, "Louis was that necessary?" She is not angry I can tell.

"Yes, they were annoying all the time, someone has to put them in their place."

She sighs, "you look like your mother, Louis."

Mary knew my mother very well. I used to go to work with her when I was little. She worked for Mary as a cleaning lady and I was always allowed to read comics.

When my mother passed away I had no one else but was 16, so they thought I could take care of myself.

Mary and her husband Josh offered me a place to sleep in their house, but after everything they had already done for my mother, I kindly declined.

A few months ago when I saw an ad in the newspaper, I called her right away and that's how I'm here now, this time cleaner / butler for the annual ball.

"It's getting late, I'm going to bed if thats alright," I say, trying to change the topic.

She must sense that I feel uncomfortable because she nods and leads me through the hallways. Once in front of my room for tonight she wishes her goodnight while I do the same.

I step inside and lay down on the bed, too tired to do anything. Soon enough I drift into a uncomfortable sleep, the words from Luke and Ashton clear in my head...


That was the first! Hope ya all liked it! Don't forget to vote and feel free to leave a comment!

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