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Just know I'm not a pro when we're talking about the topic pregnancy. Of course I know the basics but hey, I'm 15 😂.

Also, I'm ill so I probably will publish every day till I'm feeling better (and no, I don't have corona).



"So I'm 5 weeks along?" I ask and look up to the doctor. He takes off his glasses. "Yes, 5 weeks and a couple of days, so you are still in the 1st trimester," he says.

Harry holds the photo of the ultrasound with the little one on it and looks at it with loving eyes. He snaps out of it when he hears the doctor talk.

"Can we do anything else? Should we do anything else?" He asks and I laugh.

"Babe I think it's just vitamins, otherwise not much, right doc?"

He looks at the papers. "I see here that you had dizzy spells with the pregnancy of your first daughter, do you have those too?"

I think and shake my head. "No, not really. Probably because I was still working then, not this pregnancy."

He nods. "Then everything is fine, shall I have the secretary make another appointment and mail it to you?" We both nod and shake hands. "Thanks Dr. Hill."

"No problem, I'll let myself out," he smiles friendly and takes his briefcase and walks out the door.

Because Harry and I can't break the curse until we're married and can't get out of the castle grounds, we called in a doctor.

I am stuck because I was here over 2 hours the first time I came here.

Dr. Hill was here for an hour so he can just get out of here. I wish I had known Harry's parents, I could have befriended them and left the castle like Mary.

Harry can't even though he knew his parents, it's because he's a man and Mary a woman. It's complicated, but soon enough it will be solved.

"So, that was nice!" I say to Harry who is smiling like crazy.

"That was our kid, lou!" He says and places his hands on my belly. "Hello little one, we can't wait to meet you already. We love you." Hearing him say that tears me up a bit and Harry chukles once seeing that. "It's not funny!" I pout.

He kissed my pout away. "Sorry love, it's just that your hormones seem to make you even more adorable then you already were," he tells me and gives me another kiss.

We talk for a bit and just cuddle when Dite, who was playing in the room next to us peeks around the door. "Daddy? Papa?"

"Yes lovely?" I stretch my arms and she sits down on my lap. "I'm bored," she states and plays with Harry's curls.

"What do you want to do?" Harry asks and she thinks. "Wanna play with barbies! Join?" She asks and set up her cutest face.

I groan, she has me wrapped around her little finger and same goes for Harry. "Sure love, we will be there in a sec." Dite nods and ran off.

"Why can't we already join her?" I ask hazz. "I want to discuss when were going to tell her that she will become a big sis," he smiles. "I want to do it with a nice idea, like you know what I mean?"

He nods. "Yes, and I have the perfect idea, let me get my laptop real quick, you can already go to the room, I will be there soon." I do as told and go play with my daughter.

I place my hands on my belly.

My baby, our baby...

I'm so happy that our little one is doing well and is healthy. I also can't be happier about the fact Harry is extremely happy about it and loves it.

After a while Dite gets bored and tells me she goes outside to play on the slide Harry once made for her. I put away the toys we just played with when Harry comes in "hey love, whatcha doing?"

I turn around "ghost hunting" i roll my eyes but giggle. He smiles "come with me, i want to show you something" i follow him without questions and he leads us to his office.

There is a big box to be seen on his desk "open it" he says, dimples showing with the smile he gives me.

I do as told and open the box. I gasp when i see what's inside. Its a shirt with 'im the daddy of these georgeous kids'

There is another one with 'im the papa of these beautiful little ones'. I look inside the box once again and i see two more shirts.

'Im the big sister' and one with 'im the trouble maker'. I jump into harry's arms "i love you so so much" i tell him and pull away to put on the shirt.

He does the same "shall we give Dite this shirt and tell her were expecting?" He asks me and i nod "what a amazing idea!"

We go to Dite and she tries reading what's on our shirts. We tell her it and show her the shirt she will wear.

"I will be big sissy? Daddy baby in tummy?" We nod and wait for her reaction. Doesn't she like it? What if- soon were both pulled into a hug by her "yay! Big sissy!"

"That's right love" Harry says lifting her up and placing her on his hip. He places his other hand which isn't supporting Dite on my belly "say hi to the baby Dite"

"Hi" she says cutely and waves. We laugh and soon im crying happy tears "papa! Daddys is always crying!" She says making us laugh "happy tears love, happy tears..."

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