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"Harry i want orange! That is yellow!" I cry out to my fiancé who just painted the nursery.

Im 10 weeks along now and things go pretty smooth if i say so myself. We spended much time telling Dite how it is to be a big sister since she asks a lot of questions, something we think is very adorable.

We also made some phone calls to Niall and Dr. Blaze about Erin. Since the curse will be gone when Hazz and i are married, we decided to marry before the baby is born, since we don't want her to grow up in a castle only.

So we will get married when im 20 weeks along, 10 weeks from now. Im exited cause we will be able to help Harry and Erin also. I mean Harry is happy, but i know deep down there is some sadness hidden, i can't say i don't get it.

As you see my moodswings are well, shitty. Everything Harry does seems wrong in my eyes and i yell at him lots, to in the end cry my heart out and realise how i acted. He gets it luckily, tells me its our little bigger doing that to me but i cant help feeling bad about it.

"Darling this is orange" he calmly says and i cross my arms "are you saying i am saying that cause i like to lie?"

He sighs "no lou, its just orange, just like you wanted" i sunk to the ground "that isn't orange!" I scream and start crying again.

I soon feel his warm body pressed against mine "sorry love but i must say it is in fact orange but i will change it if you don't like it" he presses a kiss to my forehead.

I wipe away my tears and sniff "no its fine, just the hormones make me emotional" i chuckle and we cuddle for a bit.

Were good again, but actually we never had a fight in the first place...


"Harry did you send Niall and Liam the details of the wedding?" I ask him and sit down next to him.

Its evening and Harry made some arranges for our wedding. We will invite Niall, Liam (harry's best friend) and Mary.

I know its quite less but were okay with that. We wanted to keep it small anyway. (Just like louis, sorry lou 😂).

We ordered some suits and a beautiful dress for Dite with crown and all. She chose it and we simply agreed, i liked it so its not a problem.

Guess what? Niall found a boyfriend! And you wouldn't guess who it is, its Liam! He already told me a while ago he met a dude named liam, but who thought it was harry's best friend!

Im so happy for them and so is Harry. They really are a perfect couple and its almost disgusting to see, all the PDA.

Harry closes his laptop and pulls my body towards him so that im sitting between his legs "yes love, they already sended me they can't wait to come"

I hum "nice" i smile and peck his lips.

"Is Dite asleep?" He then asks and i nod "yea, had to read three stories, wanted me to read her that book you got her" i smile. Harry brought her a book a couple of days ago with the title 'big sister, cool!' She loves it and since then i have to read it to her multiple times.

He chuckles and places his hands on my belly "how are my babies doing?" I adore he means us both, me and the little one.

"Were good" i peck his cheek and hear him hum.

"Tell me about the pregnancy from Dite" he kinda demands me. I told him it a thousand times but he apparently loves to hear it. Its alright since i love to tell it.

That's how our evening goes. Just me and hazz talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each others company...


Just cuz its possible, a new chapter

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