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I'm nervous, so so nervous. Harry and I are engaged now for a week and I couldn't be happier. But now? Now I'm almost shitting my pants.

I already mentioned that I felt weird the last weeks and ordered a pregnancy test on a doctors site, and it was delivered today!

So here I am, sitting in front of the bathtub, counting down the minutes and waiting till the timer goes off after peeing on that stick.

What will Harry say if I'm pregnant? I mean he loves Dite like his own, he will love this little one also right? Or will he love the little one more because that is his biological child?

No of course not, Harry will love them both equally, what am I thinking? He's such a good man and fiancé.

*beep beep beep*

Ugh I honestly don't want to look, but at the same time I want to. I grab the stick and turn it around. Here we go.

I open my eyes and see two, pink lines on the test. I'm pregnant!

I cry and hold onto the stick tight as if its my only way to survive. I thank god for giving me this blessing.

I'm thinking, how am I going to tell Harry?

And also Dite, but that's for later. Oh she will be such a good sister. She likes to share things and it will be nice that she has a 'buddy'.

Then I get an idea. I walk to the basement of the castle and look for the bag of balloons that Harry takes out of the closet at birthdays.

I take 3 white ones and look for some other white streamers.

when I'm done I close the box and sneak back to our room.

Harry is playing with Dite and the bunnies somewhere in the house so I have to watch if they don't see me.

I sigh when I enter the room without being seen. I put the box in the cupboard in case they come in now.

I go to our shoe rack and grab Harry's Chelsea boots along with Dite her matching ones and my Vans.

I think, didn't I also bring Dite her first shoes in a bag?

Don't ask me why but when I left to here it felt like she was with me and it helped me when I got here and she was still with Niall.

Aha, found them.

I list them all and let out a deep breath.

"Harry! Dite!" I shout and within a minute they are in the room.

"Everything okay lou?"

I smile. "Yes, hazz I'm going to put Aphrodite to bed for a moment, can you stay here? I need to talk to you a little longer," he nods and I take Dite with me.

I put on her pink pajamas with princesses and help her brush her teeth. When she is in bed I read another story and we chat a bit.

I kiss her cheek. "Goodnight monkey." She smiles and rubs her eyes tiredly. "Nighty night."

I turn on her night light and close the door.

I walk to our room where Harry is on the bed scrolling on his phone.

"Hey hazz?" He looks up. "Hey love." He grabs me near my waist and brings me closer.

"You wanted to talk?" He asks me and places a kiss on my temple.

I nod against his chest and stand up.

"Why are there any balloons in the room?" he then asks, pointing at the balloons I inflated for effect.

"You will find out in a minute."

I take his Chelsea boots. "Who are these?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

He frowns. "Mine, you know that darling."

I ignore him. "And this one?" I ask, holding up my Vans.

"Those are your shoes."

"What about these?" I pick up Dite's matching boots.

"Aphrodite her shoes, Louis what is this? Are you feeling well?"

I already get tears in my eyes when I think that a little one will soon be wearing such shoes as Dite her first ones.

"And who's are these Harry?"

He looks at me in surprise. "That are Dite her first shoes."

I shake my head. "They will always be her first shoes, but we will have more shoes of this size, because such small shoes belong to this little one." I place my hand on my stomach and see his eyes widen.

"Y-you are pregnant?!" He asks me, almost yells.

I nod, hopefull he is happy. My answer is there when I feel his arms around me and I am lifted up. "I'm going to be a dad! Well, I already am but I will be again! Woohoooo!" He cheers and kisses me.

"I'm so happy," he now whispers, his forehead rested against mine and his hand on mine, which is on my stomach.

"Fortunately, I was hoping so."

"Louis, even if I wouldn't happy with it, I love you and I will always be with you no matter what happens."

I smile and kiss him again. "I love you."

"I love you too, and Dite, and the little baby."


Lou is pregnant woohoooooo! 😂😍

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