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"Hazz can you make me some pickles with peanut butter?" I ask and put on one of Harry's hoodies.

Since a while i have weird cravings and Harry laughs about it, fondess it is though. He likes to make me the weirdest food combinations and in the end try it himself, which mostly ends up by him spitting it out again and gulping down a water bottle.

Dite at first was confused to see it and the curious girl she is, started to ask lots of questions which we answered with love, of course.

Harry is such a good dad. I know i said it often but he just is and i can't say it enough. He isn't dite her biological dad, but Dite sees him as her own papa and Harry sees her as his daughter.

Soon enough he will be a dad again... im 16 weeks now so a month till we can see the gender!

We first hesitated cuz isn't it nice to wait and let it be a suprise? But on the other hand its easier with buying stuff.

As i mentioned earlier we chose for a orange coloured room for the nursery. We are a bit gender neutral, kids can play with the things they want and dress how they like (as long as its sensible) but you get it.

We aren't like 'everything has to be white and bla bla bla', we just chose something and the lil one can decide if he/she wants something else when he/she is older.

I did the same with Dite when she was younger and i admit, i really wanted to paint her room pink back then but im glad i didn't, she hates that color.

Well hate is a big word, she just always says "i like blue and black, they are nice and pretty" and i think thats altight.

She's a kinda 'boy' girl. Don't get me wrong on that, i just mean she loves power rangers and the tv serie 'cars'. She also likes barbies and doll houses, but her preference is 'boy toys' i think.

Im happy as long as she is, and i know Harry's opinion is the same. We discussed that kind of things and its nice to see the feelings are mutual. (A/N weve discussed it. Sorry had to do that haha)

Of course we don't agree with everything but that's fine with me, its a healthy relationship like that.

I also noticed in the beginning when Dite did something 'wrong' Harry didn't said anything. When i asked him about it he said "its not my child, louis. I can't tell her how she must do something cuz im not her dad. I don't even know if you like me to say those kind of things, i don't want to seem bossy or some".

He's so sweet to think like that and i love him with my whole heart. I told him its fine since he now is also her father, her papa. When he hesitates he asks me, otherwise he does what's needed or what he thought was the best.

I must say he's good with kids. I mean i didn't had experience with kids so Niall helped me a lot, but Harry seems like a naturel.

Its just meant to be i think.

"Love? Lou!" I look at him "what?"

He laughs "you zoned out, your alright?" I smile "yea, was thinking about the fact that your such a lovely fiancé and a amazing dad".

He pecks my lips "thanks darling, your also a amazing dad"

Then we hear little footsteps and a voice that interrupts our kiss "ew daddy, papa!"

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