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*warning* suïcide is mentioned, not Harry nor Louis though


The next day I'm walking through the castle corridors and somehow end up by the wall where the girl dissapeard into.

I look at it and suddenly the wall opens?

I look at it and can't believe it, what is this? I have no doubts and look back one more time before stepping through it.

The walls are old and it is dripping with raindrops. Candlesticks hang on the wall every few meters and it's like a halloween trip.

After a few minutes I arrive at a staircase that leads to the highest tower of the castle.

The castle has four towers. Three of them are storage areas, and I've been there often enough with Harry to just clean up a bit or look for things.

I have sometimes asked him why the fourth and highest tower cannot be entered, but he always waved it away with the 'excuse' that the door to it was bricked up.

I believed him because well, I had no reason not to.

But now I doubt, did that ghost girl have to do with this tower?

I decide not to think but just to walk. When I walked 2 long staircases a door appears and I hear someone humming a song.

I decide just to barge in because I'm honestly just done with it all. What I see is shocking me. There she is, the girl, the 'ghost' girl I saw nowadays.

The green eyed, brown haired girl who exactly looked like Harry. She was tied up to the bed with her left wrist and she smiled at me.

"Heyhey, wanna play hide and seek? Hazza promised me to play games!"

I still stare at her with wide eyes but can't move or say anything. "Hazza likes you! He told me you're lou-lou!" She then yells.

Then I hear someone behind me and see Harry stumbling into the room. "L-Louis."

I glare at him. "You have 5 f*cking minutes." I drag him out of the room and close the door behind us. "Time is ticking."

He sighs. "Thats my sister, Erin." I see tears appear in his eyes and I wrap my arm around his waist, not being able to reach his shoulders. Yes, I was angry but not a monster, I love Harry and don't want to see him upset.

"She's 15 and very sweet. I love her very much, you probably already heard about the 6 husbands who ehm, commited suicide?"

I nod. "Yes, but what has that to do with your sister? And why is she locked up? Why didn't you tell me she was your sister instead of letting me think she was a ghost!"

He sighs again. "I-I was scared, Louis. I want to tell you everything because like you said, relationships are based on trust and honesty, but I'm so scared."

I wipe away his tears with my thumbs. "Why are you scared hazz?"

We lock eyes. "Because I love you, and don't want you to leave, or to lose Dite." I smile and kiss him with passion. "I won't ever leave you, but promise me to be honest with me from now on."

"I promise."

I smile. "Now you better tell me the truth, from the beginning."

He nods. "Yea, well to just say it, the husbands didn't commit suicide, Erin killed them."

I looked at him with wide eyes but kept my mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt him.

"When my dad commited suicide by jumping off this tower due the curse some generation once gave him due a fight, Erin went nuts. She couldn't handle it, mainly since she saw it happen unlike me." Again tears appear in his eyes.

"When my mum died due illness, Erin wasn't the same anymore. She wanted to hurt every male, since she thought it was the reason our dad commited suicide. So when I got a husband, she pushed them off the tower. I only noticed that by the 6th and was so mad at myself for not knowing or noticing it earlier.

I must admit I've never loved them like you, Louis. I was lonely here but still they didn't deserve the death.

I decided to lock her up here because I simply needed to clear my head, I couldn't do anything with her. We can't leave the castle to get help and people would see me as freak when I tell the ones I can reach my sister kills people."

He shrugs and I kiss his cheek. "I still hate the fact I practically took her freedom, that's also why I take her on walks around the castle every week.

When you came here I didn't want you to get the same the others did, so that's why I was so protective. She isn't crazy, just broken and confused. Maybe she ever will be the same, when she gets the right treatment. Until then this is the best way I believe."

I hug him tight and tell him I'm glad he told me, and that I won't leave him. I'm so glad it's all out now, no secrets anymore.

I kiss him. "Don't worry, it's going to be fine." What he didn't know is that Niall's brother works at clinics and well, maybe he can do something for Erin. I will call Ni later and tell him what Harry just told me.

"Come, lets go to bed, it's getting late." I interwine our fingers.

"See you tommorow Erin," I say and smile, she returning it while nodding.

"Bye sissy, love you."

"Love you too hazzie!" She says and runs off to play in her room. Harry locks the door and I can tell he's having a hard time doing it.

Soon enough she maybe won't even need to be locked up, and I will do everything I can to make that happen...

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