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He looks away ashamed. "I know, Mr. Kitty."

I gasp. "Why didn't you tell me you knew?! You knew this the whole time! Is this a game to you, a trick?!" I was angry, so, so angry.

How didn't I notice this earlier. The whole time I've been here I didn't knew. It was like all the happiness from a couple minutes ago dissapeard and I also was mad at myself for not seeing it.

I turn away and make my way to the door when I feel his hand grab my wrist, letting me face him again. "Louis, please let me explain."

Something in his eyes gave away guilt, and I wasn't a bad person.

"You have 5 minutes."

He gives me a thankfull smile. "Time is ticking." His eyes widen and he begins.

"When I saw you at the ball I felt something I never felt, but I couldn't let my walls down yet. I wanted a way to get you somehow, but with for us both pleasure. After you left that morning I couldn't help but feel sad and empty." He looks at his shoes.

"When Mary told me you would work here I couldn't be happier, but I was do dumb to kinda 'use' you with that one night stand, that I chose to avoid you a bit.

That, until I noticed I couldn't," he gave me a sad smile. "We grew closer and I couldn't help my feelings, I couldn't be mean any longer, it was already hard enough when I was mean to you." He seems to hesitate but grabs my hand and interwines our fingers.

"This castle has so many secrets and things which I wouldn't like to get you and Dite involved with, but I'm falling in love with you, Louis, and I wont deny it."

I don't give him more time to talk and shut him up by kissing him with passion. I'm so glad I let him explain, but I still need answers.

I'm the one to pull away, mainly to catch my breath but also because we need to talk. "Harry, the feeling is mutual, believe me, but we still need to talk. I have Aphrodite and she is my number one priority." He smiles and pecks my cheek. "Of course, Louis. I totally get that."

I hum in approvel and continue. "We need to be honest, I know there are some secrets, but I don't want that in a relationship, our relationship. Well, depends on what we are now."

"What do you want us to be?" He asks me.

I blush. "Your boyfriend, Harry." He nods. "Then let me do the favours. Louis William Tomlinson, will you be my boyfriend?"

I pretend to think. "Even though I just said yes, I might have changed my mind." He rolls his eyes and tickles me. "Didn't thought so, you are mine now."

"Only yours."

We end up having a long make out session. I know we still need to talk, but for now, it's good the way it is. Harry Edward Styles is officially my boyfriend, and I couldn't be happier...


I know I know the last ones were short ones, but I can't help it! You know the feeling when you read a book and think, woah this is 'the moment' and we dont need more for now?

Yea thats this 😂😂 I can't explain really.

Hope you're all doin alright, it's bloody hot here!

Lots of love -N

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