28 (Epilogue)

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Its nice to see the story ends on chappy 28 😂😂


"Daddy! Capri broke my barbie!"

"Papa i not did!"

I sigh and follow Harry to Aphrodite her room, where the two most likely will be. Were 2 years farder now and i must say im so happy!

I still remember it as yesterday that we took Capriëlle (Capri) home. She and Dite get along real well, just not now but thats how sisters are.

I hear a cry from the other side of the house "hazz can you go? Declan or Claire is crying, i still can't hear who is crying" he chuckles and pecks my cheek "you will soon, wish me luck" he chuckles and i laugh.

A month ago we got another miracle, well two actually. The twins Declan Edward Styles and Claire Grace Styles were born. They are womderful and we adore them very much.

Declan has curly hair and green eyes and he's precious. Claire has a kinda blonde/brown hair and dark green eyes. We didn't thought we would get another lil fella that soon, but we just didn't felt complete.

Of course were thankfull and blessed with our girls and Harry and i with each other, we just wanted someone else to join our family. Now were having not just one but two little ones and we couldn't be happier.

Erin is also doing good. She gets the help she needs and she's making progress. Liam and Niall are getting married and have a babyboy on the way.

I walk into the blue/pink nursery and see Claire sleeping quietly while Declan is crying his eyes out "Hello babyboy, had a nice nap? What's wrong?" He stares at me with his bright green eyes.

"You did huh? You cry for attention innit? Missed your daddy?" I say and he brabbles. I laugh "really?" He brabbles again and i lift him up, noticing his nappy is heavy "lets change your nappy, you stinky boy" i tickle him and lay him down on the changing table.

When im done i lift him up again "lets see where your big sister are, yea? Lets be quiet, your twin is still sleeping" I walk to the girls room.

When i open the door i can't help but laugh. Harry is covered in paint and his hair is braided with all sorts of braids. His shirt has holes in it and he looks at me with a pout "never kids again" he sighs.

I laugh "tell me that in bed again" i wink and he chuckles.

"Hazz go shower and put Declan on his play mat please, Claire is still sleeping" i tell him and he nods.

"Girls, care to explain why your papa looks like that?" I cross my arms and try to look stern.

Dite sighs "he needed a make over" she simply shrugs and i mentally facepalm myself. "You know this isn't needed Aphrodite, timeout for both of you"

They nod knowing what they did wrong. I set them in the time out corner "you both know what you did wrong?"

They nod "words"

"We paint papa, no good" Capri says and i hum "that's right, two minutes for Capri, seven for Dite" i say and set the timer.

I think they are being raised well and listen good, seeing they both stay still in the corner. Of course they can be little brats who don't listen sometimes, but i like to think hazz and i are doing a good job raising them. I hum and walk towards the bathroom where Harry comes out, a towel around his waist.

"Two girls and you can't control them" i laugh

"Yea yea Love you too" he smiles and pulls me closer, placing his hands on my thighs.

"Love you more"


Who ever thought i would marry the Earl? I wasn't the noble man he thought i was, but it never changed The Earl And I...


The end... *wipes away fake tears*

i must say i loved writing this! After this there will be a thankyou chappy for you guys, to show ya all how much i appreciate you reading this and being here with me on this journey.

I also personally want to thank tasnim_anjum  for being here the whole time on this journey, and giving me motivation so thanks darling.

Hopefully see you at another chapter from another book! -N🦋

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