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"Take a deep breath, you will be alright."

"Ow I feel so bad hazz."

"Yes I can tell, you were just vomiting yesterday's dinner," he gives me a sympathic smile.

I brush my teeth and put on a new shirt. "Let me wake up Aphrodite, we should have some breakfast."

He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure? I can take care of her, get some rest babe."

I shake my head. "No I feel a bit better already, don't worry."

He rolls his eyes and carries me to our room. Yeah we call it ours now, since Harry told me about Erin, which happened around a month ago we sleep together.

yeah like share a room, and we also let some magic happen if you get me... I'm on the pill and we use protection so we should be fine.

"Harry put me down!" I try to sound strict but my yawn already betrays that I'm tired.

"Go to sleep, love. I will take care of everything."

Too tired to protest I close my eyes, falling asleep...


When I wake up again I hear some voices downstairs. I smile and go to the closet to get some warmer clothes.

It's winter and quite cold. We do have the heating on, but due to the large surface of the castle, not every room is equally warm.

It doesn't matter, it gives me a reason to wear Harry's hoodies. His scent is on it and it makes me feel calm somehow. It's a mix of vanilla and roses and really, it's the best scent ever.

I look in the mirror and notice that I look a bit fatter.

Now I'm not so concerned about my weight but it stands out and I find it strange because I don't eat more or differently than normal.

It makes me a little insecure. I'm a sensitive boy and what will Harry think? He probably won't like me any less because I have gained some weight, but still I can't help thinking about it.

I feel 2 arms around me and look back where I see Harry with a worried look. "Hello love, had a nice sleep?"

I nod. "Where is Dite?"

He smiles. "She's watching TV downstairs, told her I was going to check on you," he kisses my forehead. "What's bothering you babe?"

I look at him amazed, was I so clear to read?

"Yes you are."

"Did I say that out loud?"

"yupp." He chuckles.

I sigh. "Harry I'm getting fat," I pout. He looks at me with concern. "Not at all, babe." He takes my hands.

"Look, you just see it."

He stands in front of me and looks me in the eye. "I don't care, darling. I love you for who you are, and to me you're perfect."

"Y-you love m-me?" I stutter. I see his eyes widen when he realizes what he said.

Then he smiles and shows his dimples. "Yes, Louis I love you and you don't have to say it back-"

I cut him off. "I love you too, so much." His eyes shine and I swear, I can look at him every single minute of the day.

He's wonderfull and I'm sure he's the one. Never did I thought I would end up with a man like Harry, an Earl. He is so sweet and cute and so good with Dite too. I have no words to descibe him and even if I had, papers wouldn't be enough.

"Daddy?" My little girl appears in the room. "Yes monkey?"

"Can I go outside?" I look at Harry. "I want to go with you, are you coming along hazz?"

He nods. "Sure, give me a second I have an idea."

He rushes out of the room and I'm left with Dite. "Let's change clothes, it's cold outside and it's snowing."

She nods and puts her hands in the air. "up?"

I laugh. "Sure." I take her to our room and pick out a cute, warm outfit. I chose for a red hoodie with black stripes and 'bulldog army' written on the front.

The pants are matching and the opposite of the shirt. It is black with red stripes on the side. I also added a beanie and mittens as well as wool socks and boots. De boots are a present Harry once gave her.

He has matching ones and thought it was cute they were matching, and it is.

"Daddy go to the snow now?" I nod and she runs off. I walk behind her and grab my coat.

When I'm outside I see Harry holding a sledge. He smiles. "Thought it was cute to make a little hill so we can sled off it." I hug him. "Such a good idea! Dite, whatcha think?"

When I don't hear an answer I turn around and see her making a hill with the snow. "Slowpokes, a lil help pwease?" We chuckle. "She's so sassy, just like you."

I do a 'hairflip' "you love it."

He nods and looks me in the eye, eyes full of love. "And I love you as well, my lou."


This was Aphrodite her outfit 😍😍(I do not own this picture)

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This was Aphrodite her outfit 😍😍
(I do not own this picture)

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