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"Hazz I'm going to lay down if that's alright." I rub my eyes and look at Harry.

He places his hands on my legs. "What's up love? you're tired a lot lately, I mean I don't mind, not at all. I'm just worried about you."

That moment I can break down into tears. I've been so emotional these last days and feel so weird.

Last week for example. Harry usually does the dishes and he accidentally forgot about it. Normally I would have said 'I don't care' but I cried for half an hour and Harry had to calm me down.

I also eat more and have an appetite every time. It almost becomes inhumane.

Vomiting wasn't the last time either and it happens almost every morning.

Then I realize. Shit, I'm not pregnant, am I? we have contraceptives protection, I'm sure.

I don't want to disappoint Harry if it isn't, so I give him a fake smile and swallow my tears. "Just a flu I think, it's winter."

He still looks concerned but kisses me. "Alright love, sleep well then," he walks back to the livingroom and I see him lifting up Aphrodite.

I sneak into his office and grab the phone. "Hello? Yes I would like to order a pregnancy test... it's a bit rude to ask that a person innit? ..... I'm not a girl, no but it's not like that's any of your business ... Damn just send that test to ****** *****. Thanks."

Ugh, people. I decide to call Niall. "Hey bud, how are you?"

"Louis! Long time no see lad!"

"You talked to me yesterday," I chuckle

"I'm just happy to see my best friend," he laughs.

"How are you doing?" I ask him.

"Great! I told you about that cute starbucks worker right?" I nod even though he can't see it.

"Leeyum? Leon?"

"Liam," he sighs but I can tell he is smiling.

"Oh yea, Liam. What about him?"

"Well as you know I now come to Starbucks everyday to see him, and when I ordered a strawberry milkshake laté he by accident spilled it. We talked and talked and he asked me out in the end!"

"Wow, amazing! I'm so happy for you Nialler." Since I know Niall he always had trouble dating and stuff, so I'm glad he found someone.

"Yea right? But what's up lou?"

I frown. "Whatcha mean?"

"You always call me on evenings, when you call me out of the blue it means something is wrong." I sigh, he knows me too well.

"I think I'm pregnant Niall," I tell him.

I hear him gasp. "Woah, that awesome, right?"

"It is, but I'm not sure if I am, I ordered a test. But what I'm worried about is Harry, what will he say?"

"Louis, that man loves you, the times I spoke to him he was so understandable (a/n is that a word? 😂) and he seems so sweet, he will be happy I'm sure."

"I hope you're right, guess we will have to find out."

Then I remember the reason I also called for. "Oh Niall before I forget, do you have any news about the thing with Erin?"

I hear him stand up. "Ah yes, I called some people and there is a doctor called Mr. Blaze who has a daughter with kinda the same Erin has, a kinda traumatic experience. He's on holidays now but promised me to call you when he's back, I gave him your number, don't know if that's alright?"

"Of course, everything to help that girl and make Harry a bit happier."

"Your sooo smitten," he laughs and I smile. "Yea, maybe I am but I love it."

We talk about all kinds of things and after a while we hang up. I yawn, still feeling tired and go to Harry and my bedroom.

I crawl under the covers, too tired to change clothes and fall asleep within five minutes, dreaming about a future with Harry and more kids...


When I wake up I see Harry sitting in the chair next to the bed. "Hey hazz," I say, my voice still a bit hoarse from sleeping.

"Oh hey love, guess what?" He is very exited and almost jumps out of his chair.

I laugh. "What?"

Before he can say anything Dite comes in. "Papa, can we wake up daddy like this-"

I gasp and put my hands over my mouth. She just called Harry papa!

I get up and let myself fall into Harry's arms. "S-she called y-you papa!" I sob.

He lifts my chin with his finger. "You're not happy with that love? I thought you would be, if not it's okay, I swear I didn't told her to-" I cut him or by closing the gap between our lips.

I don't care at the moment that Dite sees it, she's used to it already I think.

"Darling I'm so happy! These are happy tears my love." He sighs in relief.

"Aphrodite come here please," I reach out and put her on my lap. "So you called hazzie papa huh?" I smile and she nods. "That's good right?"

I kiss her forehead. "Great monkey, but you know Harry isn't your real daddy, right?" I just had to tell her, I didn't want her to get the wrong impression of the situation. I've told her once that her real father just isn't there when she asked me questions because she's not ready for the truth. But who knows she has already forgotten that, she is 4 after all.

"I know daddy but he takes care of me just like you do and I see him as papa. I love you both," she gives us a hug and I get more tears in my eyes just like Harry.

"What wise words for a 4 year old," laughs Harry and takes her hand. "Hey Dite? I just want you to know that I will do everything I can to make you and your father happy."

she might not understand everything about it but nodded happily. "Otherwise I'll get bun-bun and he will bite you!" She points sternly at Harry who salutes. "Yes ma'am!"

We all laugh, even Dite who probably doesn't understand it all.

"Why daddy and papa cry?" She asks and points to my tears.

"Those are happy tears, monkey. Don't worry."

She nods and runs off, probably to play.

Harry and I look at each other with love, no words needed.

Who would have thought it would all turn out like this? How grateful I am to have such a wonderful man in my life.

"Louis?" He breaks the silence.


"I meant what I said. I started to love her like my own, and I know I'm not her real dad but I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be in her life. I know she always has been, and always will be your number one and I respect that, just know that. I love you."

That was all i needed to hear and again we kiss. "I love you."


Apart from the 'people who always were here already' no one seems to read this 😂

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