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The next morning I woke up to the birds chirping outside.

I growl when I see that I overslept. Clearly was too tired yesterday and forgot to set my alarm.

I quickly dress in a white shirt with black trousers with matching shoes, something all the workers here were wearing.

It will only be Luke, Ashton, me and Calum, the boy who is in a different carriage.

The Earl has no more staff. Just us for this ball and Mary for the rest of the year.

It seems lonely and weird that he lives alone in a mega castle and has Mary to clean all those rooms while they are not even in use, but I know better that tell opinion about that.

I brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy quiff before sprinting to Ashton's room, where most likely the others are too.

Once arrived my suspicion turns out to be correct when I see them all with a sandwich for old-fashioned TV.

I clear my throat and see them all looking my way, "slept well Louis? Or did you meet one of the six husbands?" Luke asks with a grin.

I roll my eyes, "good morning to you too, I wonder if you took that mud out of your hair, or is that your natural color." I know I won when he looks at me angrily while the others start laughing.

"We have work to do and we're late, come on," I say and don't wait for an answer but already leave the room.

On the way to the kitchen I meet Mary. "Hello Louis, can you find your way here?"

I smile, "more likely getting lost you can say, can you lead me to the kitchen?" She nods, "yes, I just wanted to pick you up and the other boys, but I think they will come soon." We walk through the dark corridors still lit by torches on the walls.

Sometimes I really hate having to use my ways so exaggerated. Of course it is good to be polite, but with someone like the Earl you can only be at your best, after all it pays off well.

Soon we will arrive at the kitchen. "Here I have the list of what should be finished tonight so that everything is ready for the ball.

I will be a bit more with the others as I think you will be good on your own. We will have lunch but we will not eat until everything is finished," I nod and study the list. 'Here we go' I think and start working.

After a few hours I have finished most of it and all I have to do is wash it off. Calum is standing next to me doing his duties. "Louis aren't you afraid of the rumors?" He then asks me.

I shake my head, "first see, then believe and besides, I don't even know the whole story."

He looks at me, "all 6 husbands committed suicide a while after they got married by jumping from the tallest tower of the castle."

I sigh, "I was aware of that but who cares about that Calum?"

He fiddles with his shirt, "they say that the castle is cursed and I am not waiting to be cursed myself."

I turn away from him and put away the towel I have in my hands, "you shouldn't believe everything you hear, the only one who knows how it is is the Earl himself, and if you are so scared I would recommend you to take the first carriage home, bye Calum." I walk away and tell Mary that everything is ready.

She says I now have the night to myself which I was hoping for.

You must know I came here to make money but when I called Mary that was not the only reason.

Since I was 12 I know I can get pregnant even though I'm a boy. Shortly after, I met a boy named Jason and I fell head over heels in love.

we did everything together and he even stayed with me when I was bullied for being gay.

He was the one for me, the one I thought I would keep up with all my life, but nothing could be further from the truth.

He was my first everything. First kiss, first boyfriend, everything.

After a party and being drunk I also lost my virginety. I was sad but it was ok, after all I loved jason.

I was 16 when it happened and I found out I was pregnant.

I went to his house and his mother told me that I should have nothing to do with her son, that he was going to marry a beautiful lady.

I ran away to the apartment I had at the time crying and sent him a letter saying I was pregnant knowing he had blocked my number.

I never heard from him again. Nine months later, on September 28th, Aphrodite Loeka Tomlinson was born.

I was happy even though I was a single father who just got everything over him.

Something that should have turned a good future into a sad time. But when Dite (pronounced as Dye-tee) was born, I was okay with the situation.

I now had a beautiful daughter and was super happy.

I was also happy that she did not look much like him, only some traits showed it.

Tonight I would tell him about our daughter, and hope he still loves me because something in my body still had the feeling I had when I was together with him, love.

Aphrodite is at Niall's house now, my best friend who supported me and was by my side the time I found out I was pregnant.

I really couldn't wish for a better friend and Aphrodite also likes him.

Tonight I hoped I could get all my answers since he would be at the ball, we will see...


The 4 year old Aphrodite 🦋(I do not own this picture)

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The 4 year old Aphrodite 🦋
(I do not own this picture)

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