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The sunlight shined in my face, waking me up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

The events from yesterday night floaded into my head.

I knew Golden Boy was still sleeping next to me because his snoring was quite loud. I chuckled and got up, groping for my clothes.

Once found I turned my back on Golden Boy and got dressed.

For a moment I thought about turning around and seeing who he was, if I had ever seen him, but the blame on that idea made me sick, so I decided not to.

I thought back to last night. After we showered together I fell asleep in his arms. Although I couldn't see it, I couldn't help preserving that beautiful feeling.

Was it a crush? I didn't even know his name.

I shook my head to stop myself from thinking about it.

I sighed and walked out of the room and closed the door behind me.

Softly I crept back to my room and slipped in unnoticed.

I took a shower again and crawled into bed, still tired of everything that happened yesterday.

before I knew it I was sleeping, dreaming about a curly haired boy...

Lots of hours later...

The next time I woke up by Mary shaking my arm, "Louis, wake up." I grunted but opened my eyes and saw dried up tears on her cheeks.

I immediately felt wide awake, "What's going on Mary?"

She rubbed her eyes and blew her nose with a handkerchief in her hand, "Josh passed away."

My mouth was wide open. The man who always treated me like his own son and offered me a place in his household had passed away.

I gave Mary a hug and rubbed her back. "Condolences." I felt her nod to my shoulder.

Suddenly she withdrew from the hug, "I need to ask you for a favor, Louis." I nodded, of course I would like to help her.

"You know I normally stay with the Earl, right? I do the duties of a butler and cleaner every year?" I nodded again, not knowing where she was going with this.

"I want you to take my place Louis, I'm getting old and now my husband is gone," she rubbed tears with her sleeve.

I thought about it. What should I do? I can hardly reject her with this? After everything she did for me. My mom would wanted me to do this...

Without thinking further I spoke, "I'm doing it for you and my mom." She smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead, "thanks Louis, I don't know what I should do without you." She looked at her watch and grabbed some suitcases, "I'm going to take the other 3 to get the last carriage home, I'll get Niall to take care of your house and Aphrodite to come here," I nodded in bewilderment, which was like the umpteenth time today.

If my daughter was with me, everything was fine.

She gave me a pat on the shoulder and pressed a list in my hand. "It contains everything you need to know," then she walked out the door and waved at me one more time before getting into the carriage, leaving me alone with the Earl and his big, weird castle...


Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or some lads, I'm not wearing my glasses at the moment. 😅😂

Hope ya liked it!

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