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Half an hour later, as promised I stood in front of his office. I said I needed to clear my head, which was true but I didn't had much time and besides, how could I clear my mind with a situation like this?!

I have been saying since I'm here that we have a special connection and I truly think we do, but did what he said means it's a sign the feeling is mutual or am I goin crazy?

I need to think more but even if I would, it won't help me, make me frustrated more likely because I don't know what to think or do.

You maybe think I'm weird with my behavior, freaking out because he just said I looked beautiful, but for me it's a big deal!

I also have Dite to think about. Sure, I can date and things like that, but I don't want her to get attached to a person which will be gone soon anyway. I never dated though, I'm not a hookup/date person since I just never thought I would find someone after... you know.

But with the Earl I felt something I never felt before. Like home, safe, like it's meant to be. It's all one weird situation and I don't know how to get out of it, but thats for later, for now its finding a pet for Dite.

I knocked once and heard a 'come in'. I stepped inside and there was he, the Earl. As always his desk was full of papers but this time also with something else, a box.

"Come in Louis, take a seat," he told me.

I sat down, glancing at the box in front of me. "I sended someone to the local petshop and viola, we have a pet for your daughter." He gave me a small smile.

"You really arranged that?" I asked, smiling myself as well.

"I said that, didn't I? Now go on, open it."

I didnt hesitate and opened the box and cooed, inside were 2 little bunnies, a black and white one. Both had little spots of diffrent colors of them, making it adorable.

I grabbed one and placed it on my lap. "So cute! Thanks Earl Styles," I said, patting the little bunny.

He waved it off, "no need to thank me, I can't thank you enough for staying here and doin the thing others wouldnt do even for much money." I wanted to ask what he meant with that but didn't had the chonce since a knock was heard.

"Daddy?" I heard.

I looked at the Earl who nodded with a smile. "Yes darling? Come in." Soon my little girl appeared in the doorway.

"Bunny!" She quealed, running towards us, grabbing the bunny out of my hands.

"Daddy, is this mine?" She asked cutely.

I shook my head, "no love, these are." I grabbed the other one, making her squeal again.

"Fanks daddy! I name them Bubbles and Bun-Bun."

"Nice names monkey, but don't thank me, thank the Earl." I pointed at the Earl and see her smile. She walks towards him and makes grabby hands, "pwease?"

I want to say something but see the Earl is shaking his head. "Of course little girl, what's your name?"

"Aphrodite Loeka Tomlinson," she proudly says while looking at me

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful princess," he says, almost making me coo.

"Fanks for bunnies," she says and pecks his cheek. My daughter is just like me with these kind of things, I would have done the same probably.

He smiles and reasures her its nothing before I tell her to go to her room with the new members of the family.

When she's gone the Earl looks at me again, "quite a lovely girl you got there, Louis."

I nod, "I surely do, I see she's getting along with you as well."

Now it's his time to nod, "she seems great Louis, a lot like you."

I can't help but blush, "I think it's my time to go, thanks again for making her happy, I will be right back with your dinner." Before he can say anything I left the room, again with too much new thoughts...


Oehhh Tommo is blushing?

Sorry it's a short chapter lads, I'm planning some things for wattpad which I can't tell yet.... but it's worth the wait!

Hope you all dont mind the slow updates, better nice chapters later then bad ones earlier right?

Happy late 10th anniversary btw! #10yearsofonedirection


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